Greek Mythology
Norse Mythology
Slavic Mythology
Celtic Mythology
Name that Monster

This son of Zeus was blessed with divine strength in his infancy, having gone on to perform twelve labors.

Who is Heracles?


This god is the father of Fenrir, Hel, and Jormungandr, as well as the mother of Sleipnir. He is known as the god of fire, artifice, and snakes.

Who is Loki?


These creatures of Slavic myth were linked to vampires, said to appear on full moons or by transformation via a wolfskin.

What are Werewolves?


This type of metal was thought to ward one against ghosts, fairies, witches, and other malevolent creatures. Irish and Scottish fishermen, however, used this metal as a name used for incidents they considered to be unlucky.

What is cold iron?


These creatures are derived from the natural world, which gives these creatures control over their specific area of nature.

What are Elementals?


This end of this war resulted in a ten-year journey for Odysseus to arrive back in Ithaca.

What is the Trojan War?


This giant serpent circles the waters of Midgard, being so large that it can bite its own tail.

What is Jormungandr?


This minor goddess often seen as a witch, living in a hut that walks around with chicken legs.

Who is Baba Yaga?


These Celtic priests were concerned with the natural world, drawing power from nature and finding it sacred.

What are Druids?


These monsters come from Slavic Mythology, known for its association with the night, with a penchant for manners.

What are Vampires?


This hunter came across the Goddess Artemis as she bathed, instantly falling in love with her. She turned him into a stag as a response.

Who is Actaeon?


The Norse believed that there were nine realms that were held up by this tree.

What is Yggdrasil?


This Slavic god is the supreme god of the Slavic pantheon, being a god of thunder and lighting, mountain peaks, ruling power, war, justice, fetility, etc.

Who is Perun?


This Irish demigod was a son of Lugh, known for his monstrous transformations on the battlefield.

Who is Cu Chulainn or Setana?


This Celtic ghost is seen as a grim reaper, riding a black horse. It is known to hold its head under its arm as it rides.

What is a Dullahan?


This nymph was the wife of Orpheus, the great poet. He sought to bring her back from death, but failed to complete this task due to doubt.

Who is Eurydice?


Freya made a deal with every item in creation except for this, leaving it to be the cause of death of the god Baldur.

What is Mistletoe?


Black horses are connected to witches in Slavic folklore. They are also connected with these undead creatures.

What are Vampires?


These magical creatures, once known as Tuatha de Danann, were considered one of the original inhabitants of Ireland, before the Celts arrived. They were forced underground after losing a war against the Celts.

What are Fairies?


This giant wolf from Norse Mythology watches over the dead in Helheim, preventing the living from entering. It is said that this wolf is to kill the god Tyr.

What is Garmr?


This nymph was a companion of the goddess Artemis who attracted the attention of Zeus. She was turned into a bear when it was discovered she was pregnant and was set into the stars as Ursa Major.

Who is Callisto?


This magical artifact in the shape of a horn is to be blown by Heimdall when the enemies of the gods gather to initiate the battle of Ragnarok.

What is Gjallarhorn?


These Slavic demonic creatures are found in bodies of water, seducing men so that they can drown the men in their long hair.

What are Rusalkas?


This weapon was Cu Chulainn's spear, which he received from Scathach. This spear was said to have seven points that would have each point to grow into seven barbs. It's present in games such as Final Fantasy.

What is Gae Bulg?


This undead monster from Greek folklore is akin to the vampire, with a key difference: It crushes its victims with its barrel-like chest before eating the liver.

What is a Vrykolakas?
