During the 1400's the European powers were hoping they could get rich trading with this continent.
The Portuguese traded with the West African Kingdoms for this.
What was Columbus's plan?
To sail West to reach Asia.
What are some plants that are used for food, that were brought to the Americas through the Columbian exchange?
Wheat, barley, rice, grapes
What did the Portuguese use African slaves for?
To work the farms in the colonies that they started along the coast of Africa.
This was the most powerful country in Europe during the 1400's.
The school for navigators taught the use of this new instrument for finding directions.
Where did Columbus finally land?
The Bahamas
What animals were introduced to the Americas through the Columbian exchange?
Sheep, horses, chickens,
How did the Portuguese get the slaves?
The leaders of the African Kingdoms sold the slaves to the Portuguese.
This woman was the most powerful woman in all of Europe in the late 1400's.
Queen Isabella of Spain
The Portuguese started to settle these on the islands along the western coast of Africa.
How long did Columbus and his crew spend in the New World on his first trip?
3 months
What was the end result of the Columbian Exchange?
Europe and the Americas were changed forever.
What began to happen in the African kingdoms as the European demand for slaves increased?
The African leaders started to find new reasons to make other African slaves (by making slavery a penalty for more crimes, by starting wars with other tribes to take prisoners as slaves,)
During the 1400's the European powers wanted to find this.
A water route to Asia.
Portuguese explorers like Barolomeu Dias and Francisco Pizarro tried to get to Asia this way.
Sailing around the continent of Africa.
This is the person who made Columbus's voyage possible.
Queen Isabella of Spain
What are some plants that are used for food, that were brought to Europe through the Columbian exchange?
Tomatoes, potatoes, squash/pumpkins
What were some reasons that a person might have been enslaved in Africa before the Europeans came?
Criminals/committing a crime
Prisoners of war
People with a lot of debt they could not pay off
This man's travels to Asia were put into a book that spread all over Europe and made the European powers want to also travel to Asia.
Marco Polo
This type of school was started by the Prince of Portugal in the mid 1400's.
A school for navigators.
Columbus was from this country in Europe.
What does "exchange" mean?
True or False (and either way, explain!): The Portuguese started slavery.
False, slavery was already used by every kingdom on earth, and in almost every civilization on earth since the beginning of human civilization.