Terms to Know
Name that CST

Deliberately and intentionally proving an individual with the means to commit suicide. Doctor could provide lethal overdoses of drugs to patients so they can end their lives

What is assisted suicide?


More than 70% of cases involving euthanasia are patients with ---------------------------? 

What is cancer? 


A doctor decides to provide physician-assisted suicide to their struggling patient. However, the doctor does this without considering the effect it will have on the patient's family. What theme does this violate? 

What is call to family, community, and participation? 


This term usually refers to active, involuntary or nonvonluntary, other-administered euthanasia. In other words, someone kills a patient without their explicit consent to end the patient’s suffering.

What is mercy-killing? 


This word literally means "easy death" 

What is euthanasia?  


A mother finds out her child has cancer and can't afford treatment. Because of this, she decides to end her child's life. What theme does this violate? 

What is option for the poor and vulnerable? 


Intentionally letting a patient die by withholding artificial life support such as a ventilator or feeding tube (DNR?)  

What is passive euthanasia? 


This country has the most assisted suicide cases. 

What is Canada? 


In Canada, having autism is a valid reason for someone to be euthanized. What theme does this violate? 

What is life and dignity of the human person? 


Without the consent of the patient, for example, if the patient is unconscious and his or her wishes are unknown…

What is involuntary euthanasia? 

What document can be signed in order to respect a patient's wishes? 

What is a DNR/Living Will? 


An inspector comes to a nursing home to see how things are running. He notices that the patients are under fed and dirty. The hospice workers are not doing their job to provide care for these elderly patients. What theme does this violate? 

What is rights and responsibilities? 


Specialized medical care for people living with a serious illness, such as cancer or heart failure.

What is palliative care? 


Physician-assisted suicide is most prominent in this type of care 

What is hospice care? 


A daughter is told her mother has Alzheimer's and she must care for her mother since she can no longer think straight. The daughter sees this as a burden and figures that euthanizing her mother is much easier than taking care of her. What theme does this violate? 

What is solidarity? 
