This required team member has knowledge of the curriculum for a particular grade level.
General education teacher
IDEIA - 2004
Individuals with Disabilities Educational Improvement Act - 2004
This category of disability has recently undergone revision and continues to cause debate as to the "best" method to identify its existance.
This area of adverse effect is a new addition and is focused on skills needed to perform independently.
Functional skills
The case manager is responsible for creating and sending out this form letting families know when and where to be for the eval plan and eval results.
Meeting notice
This team member has knowledge of the resources available within the district and has the authority to approve spending for services.
Evaluation Planning Team
This category of disabiity impacts social interactions, as well as verbal and nonverbal skills. Additionally, students with this disability may have rigid thinking and get "stuck" in their thought patterns.
Autism Spectrum Disorder
This category of advers effect data would include the Basic Reading score from the Wechsler Individual Achievement Test - 4th Edition
Individually administered, nationally-normed achievement test
This person is responsible for ensuring that all necessary team members are included in the Google invite.
Case manager
This required team member is knowledgeable of appropriate modifications and curricular adaptations that may be used to assist the student.
Local Education Agency
This category of disability can include medical conditions that impact strength, vitality, and alertness to environmental stimuli.
Other Health Impairment
This person is responsible for providing the EPT with student performance on unit tests or teacher-made assessments.
General education teacher
This person is responsible for facilitating evaluation plan and evaluation results meetings and ensures that parents have been read a summary of their rights.
Educational diagnositician or evaluation leader
This team member may be more than one person, but they must be able to interpret the instructional implications of evaluation results.
Educational diagnostician, school psychologist
Vermont Counsel for Special Education Administrators
A student may qualify for this category of disability after experiencing a concussion.
Traumatic Brain Injury
This category of adverse effect is one of the most challenging to collect as it is rarely administered in schools.
Group-administered nationally normed achievement tests.
This person would be responsible for entering behavioral data from the Behavior Assessment System for Children - 3rd Edition into the evaluation report
School psychologist
The GRCSU currently employs these two individuals to serve as evaluation team leaders/evaluators.
Kristi Hansen and Christina Hawkins
Students with a visual impairment and intellectual disability may qualify under this category of disability.
Multiple disabilities
FastBridge scores may be used for either of these categories of adverse effect, but be careful to avoid double dipping!
Curriculum-based measures or criterion referenced measures
This individual is responsible for finalizing the evaluation report, creating form 7A, and mails home the final documents.
Educational diagnostician