How old is Evan?
What is 14 years old
In inches, how long is Evans neck?
what is ∞in
What is the most common instriment?
What is Guitar
What is the largest Fast Food brand in the World?
What is McDonalds
How old is Emma?
What is 8
What is Evans Middle name?
What is Thomas
No number before what number contains the letter A?
what is 1000
What is the smallest instriment in band?
What is The Piccilo
What is the first fast food chain?
What is White Castle
What grade is Emma in?
what is 3rd grade
What is Evans Favorate Color?
What is Lime
What country has the most Pyramyds in the world?
What is Sudan
What do the numbers in a time signature represent?
What is the number of beats and the value of a beat
What chain used to serve PB&J?
What is McDonalds
Are you going to get points for this Question?
What is Yes
What math class is Evan currently taking?
What is Algebra 2.
What is 30
How many (in billions) hamburgers are eaten by Americans Every year?
what is 13 billion
Who is Emmas Youngest Cousin?
Who is Ren
Who is Evans Favorite sibling?
What is "I don't have a Favorite Sibling"
How long would it take to fall from the north pole to the center of the Earth?
What is 19 minutes
What is the most popular song in history?
What is Blinding Lights
What is the first name of BOTH the founders of McDonalds?
Who is Richard and Maurice
What is Evans Least Favorate game? (starts with a b)
What is Barbies