What was triangular trade?
A trade network connecting Europe, Africa, and the Americas.
What was one-way early explorations of Portugal and Spain different?
The Portuguese began in 1415, Spain began in 1492.
What country started exploring in 1415?
A fast and maneuverable boat with three masts.
What movie is the quote "African or European swallow?" from?
Monty Python and the holy grail
What is a colony?
A settlement of people living in a new territory.
What treaty averted the conflict between Portugal and Spain?
Treaty of Tordesillas
What county started exploring in 1492?
Spanish trading ship, large and heavy.
what is the only state that ends in three vowels?
What does circumnavigate mean?
To travel completely around
What does the "gold" mean in "Gold, Glory, God"?
It is the material gain for a country.
What country created New Netherland in 1614?
The Dutch
How did the Spanish cross the Atlantic?
In what year was the Internet opened to the public?
What is a cash crop?
A crop grown for sale rather than personal use.
Is the British East India company a joint-stock company?
What country took over the Aztec?
How did the Portuguese cross the Atlantic?
A boat
Where is the "Mona Lisa" painting on display?
The Louvre Museum
what was the Columbian Exchange?
exchange of plants, animals, and diseases between the western and eastern Hemispheres
What is Mercantilism?
Belief a country's success is based on how rich they are.
What was the spice company did the Dutch start in India?
Dutch spice trade.
What is the largest ocean?
The Pacific ocean
What is the best-selling book of all time?
The Bible