Who was Evansville named after:
A. Robert M. Evans
B. Chris Evans
C. Herman Melville
D. Bob Villa
Answer: Who is Robert M. Evans?
What county does Evansville reside in?
Answer: Vanderburgh
The most popular sport in the world.
Answer: What is Football/Soccer
What is the name of the British Spy 007?
Answer: James Bond
He invented the light bulb?
Answer: Thomas Edison
100 years ago, this still popular Fall event located on Evansville's West Side was advertised as a Halloween Night, Halloween Carnival Masked Ball.
Answer: What is West Side Nut Club?
Who is the mayor of Evansville
Answer: Stephanie Terry
In which sports you use the word 'bunker' ?
Answer: Golf
The name of the musical crab in Disney's "The Little Mermaid"?
Answer: Sebastian
What is the capital of China?
Answer: Beijing
Evansville was once the "______ Capital of the World"
Answer: Refrigeration
What is the longest street in Evansville?
Answer: Franklin Street
The number of rings on the Olympic flag?
Answer: 5
This actor played Mrs Doubtfire
Answer: Robin Williams
Another name for a Tidal Wave?
Answer: Tsunami
This famous house was used for the outside shots of what female comedian's sitcom (person and sitcom have the same name)? It is still being used as the "home' for the show The Conner's.
Answer: What is Roseanne?
What was the name of the first casino boat in Evansville?
Answer: What is Casino Aztar?
What color belt are martial arts experts entitled to wear?
Answer: Black
The name of the ghost hunting business the characters start in this movie
Answer: Ghostbusters
Which plant is nearest to the Sun?
Answer: Mercury
What Historical site is located in Evansville?
Answer: Angel Mounds
Where does Evansville rank in the largest cities in Indiana?
Answer: Third
A form of fighting where punching is NOT ALLOWED. It is the oldest sport in the world.
Answer: Wrestling
Movie Quotes: "I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse."
Answer: The Godfather
The most common chemical on Earth?
Answer: Oxygen