The attack on the aresenal at Harper's Ferry, which was an attempt to arm slaves with guns, was led by this man.
Who was John Brown?
General Grant's victory at the town of Vicksburg ensured this for the Union.
What is control of the Mississippi River?
This is what we call the rights that all citizens are supposed to have according to the Constitution and its amendments.
What are civil rights?
This Union general's strategy was to keep fighting and wear down the enemy.
Who is Ulysses S. Grant?
Throwing out state governments that that passed Black Codes, refusing to allow Conferderate leaders back into Congress, and ratifying amendments to the Constitution to secure the right to vote and a fair trial for black Southerners was accomplished by this.
What is Congressional Reconstruction?
He was president of the Confederacy.
Who is Jefferson Davis?
This is the word that means to formally withdraw membership.
What is to secede?
This is what we call an official change or addition to the Constitution.
What is a constitutional amendment?
This is what we call the period of rebuilding in the US after the Civil War.
What is Reconstruction?
This Union strategy was how they kept the Confederacy from selling cotton and buying supplies.
What is a naval blockade?
She gained widespred fame as a Civil War nurse and for later founding the Red Cross.
Who is Clara Barton?
This act established a boundary with free states to the north of it and slave states to the south.
What is the Missouri Compromise?
This words means to set someone or something free.
What is emancipation?
This was the general known for moving and attacking quickly.
Who is Stonewall Jackson?
This was what was accomplished with the Emancipation Proclimation.
What is it freed all slaves in the Confederacy?
She was the famed author of the book Uncle Tom's Cabin.
Who is Harriet Beecher Stowe?
This is one of the ways General Sherman earned fame during the war.
What is his triumphant march to sea?
This word means to accuse a government official of doing something wrong or improper.
What is to impeach?
This is the famous battle that kicked off the Civil War.
What is the Battle of Fort Sumter?
In this notorious court case, the Supreme Court ruled that slaves were property, and government couldn't take away a person's right to their property by passing a law.
What is the Dred Scott case?
This is what we call a person who fought for the freedom of all slaves and the end of slavery.
What is an abolitionist?
This was the secret organization that aided slaves in their escape to the freedom.
What was the Underground Railroad?
This is what we called the states that made up the USA; during the Civil War, the states that remained loyal to the US government.
What is the Union?
This was Lincoln's main problem with General George McClellan.
What is being overly cautious/reluctant to attack the enemy?
This is the governmental organization that was set up to assist former slaves.
What is the freedman's Bureau?