Early Republic #1
Early Republic #2
Early Republic #3
Early Republic #4
Early Republic #5

In his farewell address, President Washington warned against creating foreign alliances and ________.

What are political parties?


This person, a lawyer for the redcoats after the Boston Massacre, became our second President.

Who is John Adams?


Thomas Jefferson belonged to this political party.

Who are the Democratic-Republicans?


This act, or law, established a court system.

What is the Federal Judiciary Act?


This person served as Washington's Secretary of Treasury and devised a plan to get the United States out of debt, including creating a national bank and creating a tax on whiskey.

Who is Alexander Hamilton?


This event included American diplomats going to France in hopes to negotiate peace. They were met by French agents who demanded a bribe before any negotiations would occur.

What is the XYZ Affair?


This land acquisition occurred in 1803, doubling the size of the United States for only $15 million.

What is the Louisiana Purchase?


This Supreme Court case took place during the Presidency of Thomas Jefferson; it established the principle of "Judicial Review" which means that the Supreme Court has the power to decide the constitutionality of a law.

What is Marbury V. Madison?


These were the leading explorers of the Louisiana Purchase.

Who were Lewis and Clark?


This war occurred during the presidency of James Madison.

What is the War of 1812?


President Adams signed the Alien and Sedition Acts into law. The Alien acts targeted immigrants and made becoming a citizen much more difficult. The Sedition act made this illegal.

What is criticism of the government/president?


On his way out of office, John Adams appointed 58 last minute judges to try to maintain Federalist control in the government. What were these last minute judges nicknamed?

What are Midnight Judges?


There were several causes leading to the War of 1812. One significant cause was the British impressment of American sailors. Impressment means ______.

What is kidnapping/forcing into the British navy?


During the War of 1812, this man witnessed the attack of Fort McHenry and after the battle ended, wrote the lyrics to the Star Spangled Banner.

Who is Francis Scott Key?


During the War of 1812, this First Lady is credited with saving valuable artifacts, including an 8 foot tall portrait of George Washington from being burned.

Who is Dolley Madison?


During the War of 1812, the British formed a blockade on the Atlantic coast. The blockade resulted in an increase in American _________.

What is manufacturing?


This battle in the War of 1812 occurred after the Treaty of Ghent was signed but due to slow mail no one in America knew the war was already over.

What is the Battle of New Orleans?


This act, passed by Thomas Jefferson, cut off all trade with European countries. 

What is the Embargo Act of 1807?


This is the name of the group of advisors to the president. Washington set the precedent by having one of these.

What is a cabinet?


This event occurred when farmers in Pennsylvania became upset about a certain tax. The farmers began to attack tax collectors and government workers. It was put to rest when Washington sent an army to put it down.

What is the Whiskey Rebellion?


It was during Washington's presidency that political parties formed. One party, the Federalists, led by Alexander Hamilton wanted a strong national government. The other party, _____, led by Thomas Jefferson wanted a weaker national government in which the states had more power.

Who are the Democratic-Republicans?


This document served as a warning to European countries to stay in the Eastern Hemisphere; if they came to the Americas (North/South) the U.S. would protect Latin American countries.

What is the Monroe Doctrine?


This Supreme Court case settled an issue around interstate commerce on the Hudson River. Court ruled that only the Federal government can regulate interstate trade.

What is Gibbons V. Ogden?


This Supreme Court case ruled that a state does not have the power to tax a federal institution (bank). The Federal government is always more powerful than individual states.

What is McCulloch V. Maryland?


President Washington declared that the U.S. would stay out of the conflicts/wars of other countries. This was his Proclamation of _________.

What is neutrality?
