Native Conflicts
??? Mystery
Great Awakening
More on the French & Indian War

The Salem Witch Trials took place in this colony & this year.

What is Massachusetts, 1692?


This man was at an all time low when he casually STARTED the French & Indian War due to miscommunication and firing during what should have been a simple message delivery. He also had his only surrender during this war.

Who is Georgey boi?

(George Washington)


This women's religious dissent created an uproar in Massachusetts.

Who is Anne Hutchinson?


This man was known as America's first celebrity, and preached to upwards of 30,000 people in the open air.

Who is George Whitefield? 


"__________ or __________" become a motto of colonists during the French & Indian War.

What is Join or Die?


True or False: The U.S. had significantly more witch deaths than Europe.

What is FALSE!!!

Europe: ~400K


The French & Indian War was just one chapter of this greater conflict worldwide.

What is the 7 Years War? 


This is the verse that was emphasized in the Great Awakening. Unless you are_____________ you cannot see the kingdom of God/be saved.

What is Born Again?


The "Justice of God" by Samuel Davies stated that: 

A-Too few are baptized

B-Not enough people go to church 

C-Not enough people are concerned about eternity 

What is C? 


Brits wanted Americans to do this after the French & Indian War even though THE AMERICANS were the ones who largely fought the war!

What is pay the British war debt


About this many people died in the Salem Witch trials.

What is about 20? 

•19 people were executed by hanging

•5 people died in jail

•1 person crushed to death by stones

+ RIP the one dog


This was the land that the French & Indian War was fought over.

What is the Ohio River Valley?


This is how the French & Indian War united Americans.

What is sacrifice and colonies joining together? 

(Intercolonial = Mass, Virginia, PA "we are fighting for America > just our colony")


Most universities and colleges like Yale, Princeton, and Harvard were founded to train what profession?

What are ministers and other Christian thinkers?


The Treaty of THIS CITY AND YEAR ended the French & Indian War. 

What is the Treaty of Paris 1763?


One theory of why so many people went beserk was due to a fungus in the...

What is the rye? 


This Rebellion occurred about 10 years before the American Revolution and attempted to drive out the British from the Great Lakes region.

What is Pontiac's Rebellion?


General Wolfe & Montcalm died (leaders of Brits and French) in the Battle for this Canadian City, 1759.

What is Quebec? 


The Sermon "Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God" used this image of people, God, and Eternity without salvation.

What is a spider held by a string over the flames of hell?


This man (a city in PA is named after him...) turned the British policy to be one of financing rather than sending men.

Who is William PITT


The Mather family had differing views on if THIS type of support could be used in court as it could not be seen. 

What is Spectral evidence?


This war was fought from 1675-1676 with Chief Metacom of the Wampanoag going against New England colonists.

What is King Phillip's War? 


This man, who said, "Give me Liberty or Give me Death!" was influenced by Samuel Davies and other evangelical Great Awakening writers.

Who is Patrick Henry?


These are authorities being questioned by the Great Awakening.

What is traditional church structure? 


-Open air sermons (not in a building)

-Preaching to all who would hear (not just churchmembers)

-Calling for a personal relationship (rather than outward ornamentation)


This is the territory gained from the French & Spanish by the French & Indian War.

What is Canada, Louisiana, and Florida? 
