What is Everetts Favorite colors?
Red and Black
How many subscribers does Mrbeast have?
365 Million
What is your favorite color
It should be red and black those are the best!
Who was Barts sister?
How long did the romen empire last?
about 500 years (Acording to google)
What is my favor YouTuber?
How old is Mrbeast?
26 years old
What is you favorite tv show
Wrong, it should be young sheldon
Who was the family’s neighbor?
How long did a roman emporor live?
As long as they wanted i guess
What’s my favorite book
Maniac magee
What is your favorite book
Wrong, it should be maniac magee
What got put over the town in the movie
A dome
Who was the first empero?
Octavian or Augustest
What is my favorite sport?
What is your favorite football team?
If you got patriots your correct!
What is the name of the clown
How good was the Roman Empire?
Really good
What is my favorite song that I have made?
What is your favorite key on a piano?
All of them
What is Homers middle name?
Who was the best Roman Emproror?
I don’t know, what ever you said