Something that happens before a behavior that causes the behavior to happen.
What is an antecedent?
The name of EBT Tool #1
What is Strengthen Behavior?
Trying to get compliance but doing it in a negative way.
What is coercion?
The name of EBT tool #2.
What is Maximize Relationships?
A dead man can do it.
What is "not behavior"?
Observable things people do.
What is behavior?
Tell them exactly which behavior you liked.
What is step #1 of strengthen behavior?
Asking questions that don't help solve anything and make the person angry, embarrassed or upset.
What is interrogation?
Spend time talking about things students love.
What is a strategy to maximize relationships?
Things that make antecedents work or not work.
What are motivators?
Appropriate behaviors that serve the same function as the problem behavior (meet the person's needs).
What are replacement behaviors?
Within 3 seconds of the completion of the desired behavior.
What is how soon to give the positive consequence?
Making a criticism in a funny way, but that might not be funny to the individual.
What is sarcasm?
Approaching the person, giving/saying something nice, then leaving.
What is "drive-by" reinforcement?
A kind of argument where you only say the opposite of what the person says. "I did my homework". "No you didn't!"
What is contradiction?
Certain behaviors we can do that will make us more successful for a particular setting or activity.
What are survival skills?
This tool makes good behavior happen __________.
What is more often?
Trying to get back at someone by announcing that they have lost a privilege or you have taken something away (hint- unplanned).
What are unplanned negative consequences?
This should be your "go to" tool for an emotional situation.
What is maximize relationships?
There are 10 types of this... we should try to avoid using any of them with students.
What is coercion/coercive techniques?
Things that occur following a behavior that can be planned or unplanned; may be good, bad or neutral.
What are consequences?
Social, things, privileges/activities are all examples of this.
What are types of positive consequences/reinforcers?
Trying to make people feel bad about something they have done in hopes it will prevent the same bad behavior in the future.
What is using guilt?
Start with an opening phrase: sounds like, seems like, that must be...
Then add a feeling: I'm wondering if you might feel...
What is using an empathy statement?
Avoidance, get even, escape.
What are effects of coercive interactions?