It’s a form of Severe Combined Immuniodeficieny, but you know it as “bubble baby disease”. What does it mean to live in a bubble
What is: to never explore
What does it mean if someone “narrows“ their eyes are you.
What is: serious
Why does Madeline have an airlock in her house?
What is: so Madeline does not get sick from a contaminate outside
What are Madeline’s hobbies?
What are: reading, chatting on the internet, and watching people.
My mom doesn’t mention her favorite of all our post-dinner activities-Phonetic Scrabble. I look up to see her eyes are already laughing at me.
What is: “eyes are laughing at me”
“Carla, it won’t be like last time, I’m not 8 years old anymore”
“I want you to promise-she begins, but I’m already at the window, sweeping the curtains aside.
What is: moving the curtains aside quickly.
What does it mean when Carla “rolls her eyes” at Madeline after giving an excuse.
What is: Carla thinks Madeline has said something dumb or strange.
Why does Madeline dream about the house being like a balloon and exploding?
What is: Madeline wishes she could break free from her illness.
What does the family do for Madeline’s birthday?
What are: The same things every year.
Eat the same meal, watch the same movie, play the same game, and eat the same cake.
For decoration, I draw eighteen frosted daises with white petals and a white center across the top. On the sides I fashion draped white curtains.
What is: “draped white curtains”
My brain is processing the word Bundt, trying to get an image of what it looks like before it dawns on me just who is at the door. Olly.
What is: to realize
Madeline can‘t see what Olly is doing on the roof with a naked eye. What does that mean?
What is: cannot see without the help of a telescope, binoculars, microscope, or glasses.
Why does Madeline lie about why she late on her school assigment? She said she lost track of time reading but she was really watching the neighbors.
What is: So her mother wont worry about her
What does Olly do often that is exciting for Madeline?
What is: Parkour.
Another year of missing all the normal teenagers things-learner’s permit, first kiss, prom, first heartbreak, first fender bender.
What is: fender bender
My mother is taking this disappointment much harder than I am.
“I’ll make it up to you”
”There’s nothing to make up for”
What is: do something good to make another feel better.
What does Olly want when he asks if Madeline can “show us around“
What is: introduce them to the town
Why is Olly’s dad angry often?
What is: He has a drinking problem and may be depressed.
How does Olly get Madeline’s attention with a “ping”?
What is: He throws pebbles at her window.
Carla gives me a sharp look. I’ve never lied to my mom. I’ve never had a reason and I don’t think I know how to. But something tells me what I need to do.
What is: “a sharp look”
I am determined to ignore him. I don’t go to the window that night or the next.
I Can’t stand it. I peek out from the corner of my curtains.
What is: cannot tolerate, cannot keep going.
Madeline asked for a rain check when her mom offered to play Honor Pictionary. What did that mean?
What is: To reschedule
Why does Olly dress up the Bundt cake?
What is: To make Madeline laugh
What does Olly write to Madeline after he finishes with the Bundt cake
What is: his email address
I can hear all the sounds of the outside world. I hear the wind disturbing the trees. I hear birds gossiping in the mornings.
What is: birds gossiping