BONUS: In Home Alone, where are the McCallisters going on vacation when they leave Kevin behind?
When a stakeholder is financially supporting the research of a particular intervention, this can cause bias and is considered to be a conflict of interest. Is this always a bad thing?
No- this can provide an initial investigation for a new or ground-breaking treatment.
What is at least one step a social worker should take before effectively delivering evidence-based interventions?
participate in stand-alone training, attend professional conferences, return to graduate school (additional schooling), etc.
When practicing self-evaluation, you are not only evaluating your ability to provide evidence-based interventions, but also ___________.
What is your skills in searching the scientific literature?
In step #2, you should track down the best clinical evidence to answer your question- what is the most reliable source to find this evidence?
What are books and journals.
When looking for current and relevant research (as emphasized in this course), you should keep the date range to _____ years.
What is 5-7 years?
True or False: A social worker can expect that if they engage in independent study on a particular evidence-based practice, that they can acquire the skills necessary to do that intervention with integrity.
BONUS: One of Santa’s reindeer has the same name as another holiday mascot.
Step #3
Critically evaluate the evidence.
In this type of study, large numbers of clients with similar problems are randomly assigned to differing conditions following a pre-test. Random assignment is used to form a control group.
What is an individual randomized controlled clinical trial (RCT)?
BONUS: In correlational research, As the number gets closer to zero, does this indicate that the relationship is stronger or weaker?
What are (at least) two things you should consider when discussing treatment options with a client?
effects, side effects, financial cost, duration,
As the concept of evidence-based practice develops, the concept of a generalist practitioner becomes less feasible. Why?
Highly specific interventions require detailed and intense training focused on particular problems and demand more of the clinician's time.
In step #4, you use the research along with two other important aspects of choosing an intervention- what are those two other aspects?
The practitioner's expertise and the client's values/circumstances.
This type of study can produce compelling results, but can often produce inaccurate causal inferences.
What is a correlational study?
Either of these two websites is considered particularly reliable when looking for the most updated studies and research.
What are the Cochrane Collaboration and the Campbell Collaboration?
BONUS: In the classic Christmas movie, How The Grinch Stole Christmas, the Grinch was described with three words.
What are "stink, stank, stunk."
The world is filled with bogus therapies and exaggerated claims. What is the best way to avoid being duped by something like this?
Your ability to assess the evidence made in support of assertions regarding effective treatments.
Step #1
Convert a need for information into an answerable question.
BONUS: This number is typically considered to be statistically significant, in which case the null hypothesis should be rejected.
What is p<.05
True or false: When researching for evidence-based practice that a social worker will employ, they should only look at studies conducted by social workers.
False- studies conducted by psychiatrists, psychologists, marriage and family therapists, counselors etc. can be extremely helpful as well.
What should a social worker do if their client wishes to engage in treatment in which evidence does not support as the most effective treatment for their condition?
If evidence-based alternatives are available, you should provide the client with accurate information about treatment alternatives, or if the client will not engage in a more evidenced based practice, refer the client to a practitioner that is willing to provide those services.
When a social worker evaluates the outcomes of their own interventions with individual clients, how is the design notated? What is the design?
N-of-1 research design.