An estimate of how old a fossil is based on the idea that younger rock layers are deposited on top of older rock layers
What is relative age dating?
The study of similarities and differences in the structures of living and fossil species.
comparative anatomy
The study of the similarities in the development of embryos from fertilization to birth.
Species change over time as they adapt to changes in the environment. What is this process called?
What gas to plants release that humans breathe in?
Organisms that share a common ancestor have similar genes (DNA) and ________.
Similar structures that evolved from a common ancestor such as the bones in human, cat, bat, and whale forearms.
homogolous structures
Species that have similar structures during their early stages of development have a _________ ___________ that also have these structures.
common ancestor
What is a group of organisms that share similar characteristics and can reproduce among themselves?
a species
Which galaxy is Earth part of?
The milky way galaxy
The more similar the genes and proteins are of two species, the more closely __________ they are.
Different structures that did not evolve from a common ancestor such as the wings of a bat and fly.
analogous structures
Humans and reptiles have tails during their early stages of development. What can be concluded about their evolutionary relationship?
They are related ; they have a common ancestor
Species diverge (separate) from common ancestors and became their own different species.
What is the closest planet to the Sun?
The modern horse has a similiar bone to an ancient four legged mammal that left a fossil. What can scientists conclude about their evolutionary relationship?
They are related ; they have a common ancestor
Give an example of an embryonic structure that is shared among vertebrate species such as humans and reptiles during the early stages of their development.
pharyngeal pouch, tail, spine, otic vesicle
If a group of organisms inherit helpful traits that eventually prevent them from reproducing with other members of the same species, what will happen?
they will develop into a new species.
What is the process called when a plant uses sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to produce glucose and oxygen