This is how often METARs are issued.
This is how long TAFs are typically good for.
What is 24 hours?
The designator at the beginning of a routine PIREP.
What is UA?
The three bits of information contained in a winds aloft forecast.
What is wind direction, speed, and temperature?
This type of AIRMET is issued for turbulence.
What is an AIRMET Tango?
Date and time: METAR KGNV 201953Z 24015KT 3/4SM R28/2400FT +TSRA BKN008 OVC015CB 26/25 A2985 RMK TSB32RAB32
What is the 20th at 1953 Zulu?
Valid date and time period: KIWA 070304Z 0703/0724 26010G19KT P6SM FEW070 SCT120
The designator "UUA" at the beginning of a PIREP means...
What is an urgent PIREP?
The temperature indicated by this winds aloft forecast: 2635-08
What is negative 8 degrees C?
This type of AIRMET is issued for mountain obscuration(IFR).
What is an AIRMET Sierra?
Reported Wind: METAR KGNV 201953Z 24015KT 3/4SM R28/2400FT +TSRA BKN008 OVC015CB 26/25 A2985 RMK TSB32RAB32
What is 240 degrees at 15 knots?
Forecasted wind: FM070300 23012G24KT P6SM SCT014 BKN060
What is 230 degrees at 12 knots gusting to 24 knots?
This is indicated by the following line of PIREP: TP C172
What is type of aircraft is Cessna 172?
The wind speed indicated by this winds aloft forecast: 2381-60
What is 81 knots?
This type of AIRMET is issued for icing.
What is an AIRMET Zulu?
Precipitation: METAR KGNV 201953Z 24015KT 3/4SM R28/2400FT +TSRA BKN008 OVC015CB 26/25 A2985 RMK TSB32RAB32
Precipitation: FM072000 25011KT P6SM VCSH SCT020 BKN040
What is showers in the vicinity?
This is indicated by the following line of PIREP: TB MDT 200-240
What is moderate turbulence from FL200 to FL240?
The wind direction indicated by this winds aloft forecast: 7319-60
What is 230 degrees?
This type of SIGMET would be issued due to thunderstorms in the area.
What is a convective SIGMET?
Reported ceiling: METAR KGNV 201953Z 24015KT 3/4SM R28/2400FT +TSRA BKN008 OVC015CB 26/25 A2985 RMK TSB32RAB32
What is broken at 800' AGL?
Forecasted sky condition: FM080200 26014G22KT P6SM SCT150
What is clouds scattered at 15,000' AGL?
This is indicated by the following line of PIREP: IC MDT MXD 040-050
What is moderate mixed icing from 4,000' MSL to 5,000' MSL?
The wind speed indicated by this winds aloft forecast: 7306+49
What is 106 knots?
The valid time of a convective SIGMET.
What is 2 hours?