A trace of an ancient organism remains that has been preserved in rock
What is fossil?
Who sung the lyric "oops...... I did it again"
Brittney Spears
All the continents on Earth were one huge supercontinent, what was this called?
Who sung the lyric " keke do you love me"
What animal used to have feet and no longer does because they have no use for them?
A group of similar organisms that can breed and produce fertile offspring.
What is species?
What do animals use to blend into their environment?
When an organism completely dies out.
What is Extinction?
Genetic information that can be used as evidence of evolution between organisms.
What is DNA?
Change in a kind of organism over time; process by which modern organisms have descended from ancient organisms.
What is evolution?
A trait that helps an organism survive and reproduce
What is adaptation?
What characteristic did Darwin observe about the finches on the Galapagos Islands?
Their beaks
All the fossils throughout the history of the Earth that are used as evidence of evolution.
What is the fossil record?
Your appendix is an example of what structure?
Vestigial Structure
Body parts that share a common function, but not structure
What are analogous structures?
Selection by humans for breeding of useful traits from the natural variation among different organisms
What is artificial selection?
Structures in different species that are similar because of common ancestry.
What are homologous structures?
An ancestral species from which later species evolved
What is common ancestor?
A structure that is present in an organism but no longer serves its original purpose (ex. hip bones in whales)
What are vestigial structures?
A mistake or change that occurs in the DNA sequence is called a ______________________.
What is a mutation?
Process by which individuals that are better suited to their environment survive and reproduce most successfully; also called survival of the fittest
What is natural selection?
Who is the father of Genetics
Charles Darwin
Study of developing embryos used as evidence of evolution.
What is Embryology?
A natural process resulting in the evolution of organisms best adapted to the environment ex. fastest, smartest, quietest, loudest, best eyesight, etc.
What is survival of the fittest?
A type of graph that shows common ancestry between different species.