The Main difference between a prokaryotic cell and a eukaryotic cell
The term for when different species may come from a similar ancient background.
Homologous structures/common ancestor
Who is Lucy
The name given to the hoax that claimed to be the missing link between humans and primates
What is...
Growth – increase size of parts not just accumulate matter
One of the requirements to consider something life/living.
What is variation?
Complete the statement: Evolutionary change cannot take place without ______.
The most explosive diversification of complex organisms ever seen on Earth.
Cambrian explosion?
The islands that Darwin stopped at to collect specimens for his studies.
Galapagos Islands
What is differences?
The number of _____ correlates with the last time since organisms shared a common ancestor.
What is...
1. Basic elements & basic organic compounds
One of the components for the Origin of life.
What is...
Natural Selection
Sexual Selection
Genetic Drift
(Any of these is a correct answer)
Name a process that drives evolution.
The main function of the chloroplast.
The evolution brought on by female selection of certain mates for exaggerated physical traits.
Sexual Selection
What is comparative anatomy
The term used for examining similar anatomy to come to a conclusion about a possible common ancestry
What is RNA?
The one thing that can initiate DNA replication
Who is Charles Darwin?
The man quoted as saying "This preservation of favourable variations I have called Natural Selection, or the Survival of the Fittest".
The "Big three" of major domains of the living world.
Bacteria, Archaea and Eukarya
The term used to describe the adaptations of one species that causes another species to adapt in response.
What is grasping hand, binocular vision, large brain, and parental care and sociality?
The four major primate traits. (Alex does monkey business all the time so you should know this)
What is Sexual Selection?
The evolution brought on by female selection of certain mates for exaggerated physical traits.
What is black stage, gray stage, blue stage, red stage, white stage, and green stage?
The six stages of life beginning on Earth. (In order!)
The name of the species dubbed.
List the binomial nomenclature in order.
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species
List the five big extinctions
Ordovician, Devonian, Permian, Triassic and Cretaceous
List the binomial nomenclature in order.
Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus, Species.
What is intermediate forms are favored and extremes are eliminated because they have a disadvantage?
Define Stabilizing Selection.