Natural selection was proposed by this scientist
the history of life as documented by fossils
fossil record
organisms evolve trough a process of slow constant change
sum total of all genes in a given species
gene pool
how long does evolution take
millions of years
organisms have more than 2 offspring, so at least some of them will survive
same function (like flying) but different structure
analogous structure
organisms of different ancestry have similar phenotypes
convergent evolution
same structure but different function
what is homologous structure
a group of organisms capable of producing fertlie offspring
organisms must compete for resources, like food, water, shelter, or mate
the branch of biology that deals with the geographical distribution of plants and animals.
organisms that are similar become different over time according to this type of evolution
divergent evolution
describes how in evolutionary biology, a group of organisms share a most recent common ancestor
what is common ancestory
an example of an extinct species
dinosaur or dodo bird
the process of survival of the fittest
natural selection
the study of development of early life
population will become stable, showing little evolutionary change
a change in the gene pool caused by chance
genetic drift
bottleneck effect
founders effect
when organisms move in, genetic variation _________
he has the most famous theory
this evidence shows the genetic relationships between common ancestors
DNA evidence or molecular record
species evolve very rapidly and stay the same for a long period of time
punctuated equilibrium
the adjustment of an organism to their environment in order to improve their chances of survival in that environment
physical separation of members of a species; often results in speciation (formation of a new species)
geopgraphical isolation