True or False: Most vertebrates look similar in early stages of development indicating they possibly share a common ancestor.
What is TRUE!
What vocabulary word means the process by which the heritable characteristics of a population change over time?
What is evolution.
True or False: Nature selects the fittest organisms who will alway have the fittest offspring.
What is FALSE!
What is a zygote?
What is a single cell that forms when a sperm fertilizes an egg.
This image is an example of...
What is homologous structures.
What do vestigial structures indicate?
What is ancestor had a use for a diminishing structure or organ that is no longer useful or necessary.
When an organism has the ability to adapt to its environment, survive and reproduce it is...
What is fittest.
True or False: Founder effect is when there's a reduction in the population due to a random event.
What is FALSE!
What two criteria must be met to be considered a species?
What is:
1. group of organisms that can survive and reproduce
2. offspring must be fertile
The image below is an example of what type of evolution?
What is divergent evolution.
What rate of evolution does the image represent?
What is gradualism.
What vocabulary word means anatomical structures that have similar functions but lacks evidence of common ancestry?
What is analogous structure?
Provide three sources for genetic variations.
What is:
1. mutations
2. sexual reproduction
3. gene flow
4. genetic drift
Give an example of convergent evolution...
- cacti in different geographical locations exhibit similar adaptations in order to survive in their environments
- bats and birds have wings in order to adapt to their environment despite coming from different evolutionary origins (beginnings)
Blue footed boobies engage in a courtship display where the male high steps to draw attention "show off" his feet to the female. This is an example of what type of isolation?
What is behavioral isolation.
This type of evidence shows how geography influences the evolution of plants and animals via adaptations and natural selection.
What is biogeography.
This type of speciation is when a two groups from the same population create new species without geographic isolation.
What is sympatric speciation.
What are the three principles Charles Darwin based his theory of natural selection on?
What is:
1. Not all individuals will survive and reproduce.
2. Traits are inherited from parents to offspring.
3. Advantageous traits lead to more fit generations.
What are three possible post-zygotic barriers?
What is:
1. Chromosomal mismatch could be lethal to the embryo.
2. Successful pregnancy but an unhealthy offspring.
3. Successful pregnancy, healthy offspring but offspring is infertile.
According to the table below, which animal is least related to a human?
List five types of evidence for evolution:
What is
1. biogeography
2. embryology
3. biochemistry
4. fossil records
5. anatomy
What is a random change in the frequency of gene variants in a population over time.
The image is an example of what type of natural selection?
What is stabilizing selection.
What are five examples of prezygotic barriers?
What is:
1. behavioral isolation
2. geographical isolation
3. temporal isoaltion
4. mechanical isolation
5. gametic isolation
What common ancestor do birds and snakes share?
What is diapsids.