The Theory
Evidence for Evolution
Mechanisms of Evolution
Wild Card
Who is known as the "Father of evolution"
Who is Charles Darwin?

Where do we find evidence for what extinct organisms looked like?

What are fossils?

In natural selection, this is the agent that "selects" for or against traits of an organism.
What is the environment?

A gradual process of change throughout time. The changes that take place occur slowly, over millions of years, and represent different species gradually developing in different and changing environments.

What is evolution?


The identification by humans of desirable traits in plants and animals that they choose to breed is called?

What is artificial selection?


Identifying similar structures in early development of animals, which signifies common ancestry

What is comparative embryology?


What do we call similar body parts on dissimilar organisms that can be evidence for a common ancestor?

What are homologous structures?

Any kind of inherited trait that improves an organism's chances of survival and reproduction in a given environment.
What is an adaptation?
Animals that have certain beneficial traits will survive better over time- survival of the best adapted- nature determines who will "win"
What is natural selection
Type of diagram that shows the relationship of organisms to their ancestors as well as common ancestry.
What is a phylogenetic/evolutionary tree?
These are body parts that are no longer used in an organism that suggest relatedness to organisms that have those body parts and they are functional. (eg. pelvic bones in a whale)
What is a vestigial organ?

What evidence can be found when looking into a chicken's egg, a turtle's egg and a rat foetus that indicate a common ancestor?

What are similarities in early development?

Slang term that descibes how organisms that posess the best traits or adaptations for a particutlar environment are the ones that will successfully pass down their traits to their offspring.
What is "Survival of the Fittest?"

Why is Lemark's theory that giraffes grew long necks from stretching wrong based on information about adaptations?

What is being born with adaptations that don't change?

A group of the same organism that occupies a specific area in a specific time.
What is a population?
The process whereby organisms that have advantages survive and pass their genes onto their offspring.
What is natural selection?

What are similarities in DNA an indication of?

What is a common ancestor?


This type of dating is expensive and uses radioactive elements that decay in organisms.

What is carbon dating?

A group of genetically similar organisms that can mate and produce fertile offspring.
What is a species?
The random appearance of a new trait in an organism.
What is a mutation?
Structural similarities between different species that suggest relatedness. They are evidence for similar genes which have been inherited from a common ancestor (eg. pentadactyl limb).
What are homologous structures?

What features of different species that are similar in function but not necessarily in structure called (e.g. butterfly wing and bird wing)?  

What are analogous structures?


Caused by geographic isolation that prevents the flow of genes between separate populations of a species (e.g. a mountain range or river).

What is speciation?


How long does it take for evolution to occur?

What is MANY generations?

A population of butterflies get separated by a giant river. On one side of the river there are no trees and on the other side there is a forest. The forest favours butterflies that are darker in colour creating a new population of dark coloured butterflies forming a new subspecies.
What is an example of allopatric speciation