An organism from which a different organism evolved
What is a common ancestor?
The ability of an organism to survive and reproduce in its environment.
What is Fitness?
The variety of dog and cat breeds that we have today are a product of _________ _____________.
What is Artificial Breeding (Selective Breeding)
A Dog’s paw, human arm, batwing, whale flipper
What are homologous structures?
The islands where Darwin studied and gathered his evidence on Natural Selection
What are The Galapagos Islands?
Favorable traits
What are adaptations?
Individuals of a species compete for resources.
What is a factor in natural selection?
increases diversity in a species.
What is variation?
comparing the structure, or anatomy, of different species
What is comparative anatomy?
The root of a phylogenetic tree
what is the common ancestor?
Traits are coded in segments of DNA called
What are genes?
a change in the genetic code
What is a mutation?
three types of structures scientists study when comparing anatomy of different species
What are homologous structures, analogous structures, and vestigial structures?