The estimated age of planet Earth
What is 4.6 billion years old ?
The average difference in age between parent and offspring
What is generation time ?
Who is the father of Evolution?
Who is Charles Darwin?
Diversity among species is referred to as ?
What is genetic variation ?
The shorter the generation time the _______ rate at which a species can evolve
What is faster ?
Body parts that share a common structure but have a different function
What are homologous structures?
The traits that evolve over time are called
Key to natural selection
Body parts that share a common function but have a different structure
What is an analogous structure?
The organisms / features studied on the Galapagos Islands that are closely related to Darwin's natural selection theory
What are finches / finch beaks ?
Evolution can only occur is this is involved
What is Natural Selection?
What is overproduction?
What is common ancestor?
What was the vessel named in which Darwin traveled the globe?
What is the HMS Beagle ?
The four components of evolution
What are Mutation, Adaptation, Natural Selection, and Extinction ?
Examples of limiting factors
What are food, water, shelter, and predators ?
What are:
Fossils / Fossil Record
Radiometric Dating
Skeletal Similarity
Comparing DNA
Vestigial Structures
Comparative Embryology
In _________, the embryos of vertebrate organisms are very similar to each other
What is embryology?
Lamarck said that organisms gain these throughout their lifetime and can pass them on to offspring.
What are acquired traits?