The Big Bang
Evolution of stars
Black holes
Formation of Life and Earth

What is the big bang?

The birth of the universe where it started at an extremely hot and dense point


How does the life of a star work? 

The life of a star works in a cycle with different stages.

Is anything able to escape the pull of a black hole?

No nothing, no objects not even ligtht can escape the pull of a black hole.


What is the base of what Earth was formed by 

The debris leftover from the birth of the sun


Do scientists have all the answers and facts about the big bang?

No The big bang remains a mystery although there are many theories with facts to support them


How many stages are in the full life cycle of a Star?

There are 5 stages to the full life cycle of a star


What forms a Black hole

A black hole is formed at the end of a massive star's life after it goes through a supernova explosion and collapses into a black hole.


Why was the conditions of surface of earths crust fitting for the origin of life.

The mix of gasses and water on the surface made it ideal


What are two theories for why the Big Bang occured?

Redshifts of Galaxies and Cosmic Microwave background radiation


What are the names of each phase a Star goes through in its life cycle?

1- Nebula phase

2- Main sequence

3- Red giant or supergiant

4- The death of a star

5- The aftermath


What are three interesting properties of black holes?


Time dilation

No Escape


What was the first type of life on earth?

simple single celled organisms


What is an explanation of redshifts of Galaxies and  Cosmic Microwave Background radiation 


  • essentially when galaxies are moving away and show the expansion of universes.

  • CMB radiation was a leftover echo from the universe around 380,000 years after the big bang and it provides evidence that the universe initiated in a hot , dense state


Which phase is the most important one that a star goes through

The main sequence as it is the longest as well as most stable part of a star's life


Why is nothing able to escape a Black hole?

It all comes down to the incredible strength of the gravity of a black hole where once you reach a certain point near a black hole called the event horizon no matter how fast you are ravelling you cannot escape the gravitational pull of a black hole.


How did the debris of the birth of the sun come together to form earth?

through gravity as dust and gas came together they formed protoplanets and planetesimals which, merged,  collided and evolved into layers that cooled and formed the solid surface and oceans of Earth


Who are the founders of each prediction

The theory of redshifts of galaxies was founded by Edwin Hubble

 The theory of CMB was predicted by George Gamow along with his colleges , Ralph Alpher and Robert Herman


Do all star's die the same way?

No depending on weather a star is low or high mass it will die differently, low mass stars do not undergo any mass explosion whereas high mass stars explode as a supernova and leave behind a neutron star or black hole


Who figured out why time dilation exists and the closer you aer to a black hole the slower time moves?

This fact was developed by Albert Einstein


Since all the facts are still a mystery what do Stanley Miller and Harold Urey believe are the appliances for the origin of life on earth?

Stanley Miller and Harold Urey believe that it is chemical reactions powered by lightning and volcanic heat that created the elements to life like for example amino acids.
