Define Survival of the fittest.
the continued existence of organisms which are best adapted to their environment
What is an embryo
It is the early stages of development of a multicellular offspring.
what do all living cells share
same basic DNA structure
what are animals with backbones called
Define Mutation
occurs when a DNA gene is damaged or changed in a way as that alters the genetic message carried to that gene.
Do our embryos look the same as a lizard embryo in early stages of development.
Why do they increase in complexity
Continuous mutations throughout generations
True or false: Organisms that have similar anatomy show more genes in common than organisms that are less alike
If an animal shares similar structures are they likely to be related.
Yes but they may only be distantly related.
the crucial step that takes two individual populations of the same species into two individual species through an impenetrable barrier.
Define the Study of Embryology
This is the study of the development, structure and function of embryos.
If there is an increasing number of species and complexity does this support the theory of evolution.
what do we share 96% of our genes with.
Define the study of comparative anatomy.
This is the science of comparing the physical structures of a species with others
Define Variation
the presence of different gene sequences between individuals of the same species.
If embryos look similar during later stages of development, what is this evidence for.
This likely means that those two organisms are likely to be more closely related then embryos which do not look the same at all.
What is the name of the common ancestor of birds?
what would be expected of two organisms sharing the same DNA.
They would share much of their DNA.
what is similar structure shared by whales, humans and cats
Arms or forelegs.
Define Evolution
is the gradual change in the characteristics of a species.
How many mass extinctions has there been ?
5 (we are currently in the 6th)
Are hyenas more closely related to cats or dogs
where is the common ancestor of whales likely to have come from?
It was likely to have been of terrestrial ancestry.