Advisory & Capstone
Core Values
Evolve Staff

Which competency is being displayed in the following example:

In Mr. Pavao's law class, students discuss the pros and cons of metal detectors and bag searches in schools. Students are having a conversation about their different opinions on the matter.

Academic Discourse


How many years of Evolve advisory do you need to pass in order graduate?

Two years


Which core value is being displayed in the following example:

During lunch, a student notices an Evolve shadow sitting by themselves at lunch. The student decides to introduce themselves to the shadow and invite them to sit with them and their friends.

Social Awareness


If you need a loaner chromebook, charger or headphones from the office, when can you go to the office to get them?

Before class in the morning (before 9am) or ONLY during passing time.


How many Evolve staff members are there? Name them all.

1. Jan 

2. Mrs. Dussault

3. Mrs. Barros

4. Miss Pimentel

5. Mr. Ponte

6. Mr. Audet

7. Mrs. Harrison

8. Miss MacDonald

9. Mr. Alves

10. Mr. Pavao

11. Mr. Murphy


Which competency is being displayed in the following example:

Students divided themselves into groups to create solar ovens to cook mini pizzas & s'mores for lunch.



True or False; Capstone is a graduation requirement for ALL seniors no matter when they graduate.



Which core value is being displayed in the following example:

Students in Miss MacDonald's class are quietly either listening to an audio clip on their headphones or reading a passage. When a student comes into the classroom late, they notice the classroom is focused and quiet. The late student quietly goes to their seat and gets their Chromebook out so that they do not disrupt class.

Social Awareness AND/OR Responsible Decision Making


If you need a loaner chromebook, charger or headphones, what do you need to turn in to receive them?

Your Yondr bag with your phone/electronics inside.

What band does Mr. Pavao have tattooed on his arm?

Led Zeppelin


Which competency is being displayed in the following example:

Mr. Alves notices a student is beginning to fall behind on their math assignments. When he talks with the student, they tell Mr. Alves that they are struggling to understand the assignments and they feel like they may need extra 1:1 help after school to get back on track.



Name three items that are a part of your capstone project/portfolio

Personal/College essay, Resume, Cover letter, Budget, Career Pathways Project, Defense Presentation, College applications, FAFSA, job application, ASVAB/military test, values/strengths/interests quiz, etc.

Which core value is being displayed in the following example:

A student who is typically tardy for school sets a goal for themself to be on time every day for a week. They successfully make it to school every day at 8:45am by adjusting their morning routine.



If you are caught swearing, what is the resulting consequence?



What kind of pet does Miss Pimentel have?

Bonus for 100 pts - what is the pet's name?

A cat named Wolfie.


Which competency is being displayed in the following examples:

During the Evolve door-decorating contest, a student says "I'm not a very good painter, so I will help with taping up the decorations instead."


A student notices the end of the term is approaching and they're falling behind on assignments. The student tells their advisor "I am really good at english, so I am going to focus on finishing all of my English assignments so I can make sure I pass that class before the term ends."



What are two different reflection forms you have to submit each week in advisory? (The one on Monday and the one on Thursday)

1. Weekly goal reflection

2. Weekly discussion reflection


Which core value is being displayed in the following example:

A student is trying to make sure they complete all of their assignments before the end of the term. Since they know they have a tendency to chat with their friends in class, they choose to sit away from their friends and put on their headphones to help them focus on their work.


If you need to get dismissed, what is the procedure?

Have your parent call the Evolve phone to let us know when you are to be dismissed.

Phone calls/texts are students' phones are not permitted.


What kind of dog does Mr. Audet have?

Bonus 100 pts - What is the dog's name?

German Shepard named Haida.


Which competency is being displayed in the following example:

A student has decided to their "Invasive Species" report on Poison Ivy. They use online resources to get pictures of the plant, information on where it grows, how to recognize allergic reactions to it and how to eradicate the plant, if needed.



What is the MINIMUM number of weekly advisory reflections do you have to submit to pass for the term if there are 8 weeks in the term?

6 out of 8

If there are 9 weeks in term, 7 out of 9.


Which core value is being displayed in the following example:

A student notices somebody left their wallet on a desk. The student turns the wallet into the office to make sure it doesn't go missing or get taken. Later in the day, the student who lost the wallet was thankful to find it in the office.

Responsible Decision Making

When are students not permitted to leave the classroom?

During the first and last ten minutes of class.


Where did Mr. Alves, Mrs. Barros and Miss Pimentel graduate from high school?

Durfee High School
