Exam 1
Exam 2
Energy Transfer
Muscle Phys

Which Macronutrient can be used aerobically or anaerobically?

a. Fats

b. Carbohydrates

c. Protein



During an 800m sprint for 2 minutes and maximum effort, which systems are going to be used during this bout of exercise? (choose all that apply)

a. ATP-PCr

b. Glycolysis 

c. Oxidative system

a, b


If running at high intensity for 30 minutes how much EPOC will that individual go through after the run?

a. 15 minutes

b. 30 minutes

c. 1 hour

d. 90 minutes



where is growth hormone produced at?

a. adrenal medulla

b. anterior pituitary

c. adrenal cortex

d. posterior pituitary 



Which covers the active sites on actin to prevent a muscle contraction from occurring?

a. myosin

b. calcium

c. tropomyosin

d. troponin



Which metabolic state is going to cause you to feel tired, lethargic, and hungry after eating a simple carbohydrate?

a. Hyperglycemia 

b. Hypoglycemia 



which enzyme limits the rate at which glycolysis occurs? 

a. Lactate dehydrogenase

b. glycogen phosphorylase

c. hexokinase

d. phophofructokinase



based on fitness level, which individual will have the shortest duration of O2 deficit?

a. sedentary

b. average

c. aerobic

d. fitness level has no effect on 02 deficit



which hormones are going to facilitate the conversion of glucose to glycogen? (choose all that apply)

a. glucagon

b. insulin

c. cortisol

d. norepinephrine

e. epinephrine



which muscle fiber type is referred to as fast oxidative glycolytic?

a. Type I

b. type IIa

c. type IIx

d. type Iic



Which Enzymes breakdown glycogen to glucose for energy production or act as an extra reservoir for blood glucose? (choose all that apply)

a. glycogen synthase

b. glycogen phosphorylase

c. phosphofructokinase

d. phosphatase

e. lipase

b, d


when explaining glycolysis to your friend from McCoy which of these statements would you tell them? (choose all that apply)

a. ATP is made aerobically

b. ATP is made anaerobically 

c. when glycolysis occurs rapidly, LDH is highly active

d.ATP that is produced is by substrate level phosphorylation 

e. ATP that is produced is by oxidative phosphorylation

b, c, d


For a person who is more aerobically fit, which of the following are true? (choose all that apply)

a. their lactate and ventilatory thresholds will be further to the right on the continuum

b. more reliant on carbs

c. more reliant on fats

d. produce more mitochondria 

e. have larger capillaries 

a, c, d, e


Which of these hormones increases the breakdown of protein? (choose all that apply)

a. glucagon

b. growth hormone

c. cortisol

d. insulin

e. norepinephrine



which is true about the power stroke? (choose all that apply)

a. goes from 45->90 degrees

b. goes from 90->45 degrees

c. the Pi is dropped from the myosin head

d. the ADP is dropped from the myosin head

e. ATP binds to the myosin head

b, c


the role of glut-4 is responsible for which physiological response?

a. increase the storage of blood glucose into the cell

b. increase the amount of blood glucose into the blood

c. provide equal transfer of glucose to and from the cell



Which of the following statements are true for beta oxidation?

a. a glycerol head produces 17 gross ATP

b. 1 free fatty acid requires an investment of 2 ATP to enter beta oxidation

c. both a and b

d. beta oxidation produces 4 ATP

e. all of the above



at the same intensity for a trained and untrained person, who will have a lower workload?

a. trained

b. untrained

c. the same



Which hormones spare Blood glucose?

a. norepinephrine

b. cortisol

c. both a & b

d. growth hormone

e. all of the above



which of the following compose the I-band and does it shorten during a contraction (choose all that apply)

a. Z-disc

b. myosin

c. H-zone

d. actin

e. yes/no?

a, d, and yes (HI is short for hello!!)


during glycogenolysis and glycolysis of muscle glycogen, what hormones are responsible for these processes. (choose all that apply)

a. epinephrine

b. norepinephrine

c. insulin

d. glucagon

e. cortisol

a, b, d


When explaining the oxidative system to your younger sibling you would say all of the following? (choose all that apply)

a. the gross production of ATP in the ETC is 26-28 ATP

b. 2 ATP that are produced are by Substrate level phosphorylation 

c. if FAD picks up H+ than 1.5 ATP will be produced in the ETC

d. 1 transition step makes 2.5 ATP 

e. if NAD+ picks up a H+ than it produces 1.5 ATP in the ETC

a, b, c


For a set workload, what will be true in relation to the amount of kcal that are expended in a bout of exercise?

a. higher for the trained athlete

b. higher for the untrained person

c. the same 

d. lower for the trained athlete

e. lower for the untrained person



what is the significance for blocking glucose entry into the cell during exercise? (choose all that apply)

a. there is no significance for blocking blood glucose entry

b. increases the usage of free fatty acids for energy

c. decreases the usage of free fatty acids for energy

d. reserves blood glucose for the blood

b, d


During steps of a muscle contraction, if Ca2+ is still present in the cell, muscle contractions will continue, this is called the Cross Bridge Cycle. Which of these are apart of the Cross Bridge Cycle? (choose all that apply?

a. depolarization occurs

b. the power stroke occurs and Pi is dropped

c. myosin heads bind to the active sites on actin

d. ATPase splits ATP on the myosin head 

e. tropomyosin moves off of active sites

b, c, d
