Infection Control
Clinical Judgment
Physical Assessment
Nursing Process

What is the correct procedure for Donning and Doffing PPE?

Don-Gown, Mask, Goggles, Gloves

Doff-Gloves,Goggles,Gown, Mask


What is clinical reasoning?

A process in which the nurses collect cues/data to make an informed decision to prioritize the patient care. 


What locations can you get a pulse ox reading?

Finger, toe, earlobe, forehead 


You have placed your combative patient in restraints. How do you check to verify that the patient is getting proper circulation and there is no skin breakdown?

Place two fingers between the patients wrists/ankles and make sure the restraint is not too tight. 


What are the steps of the nursing Process?

Assess, Diagnosis, Plan, Implementation, Evaluation


Contact Precautions and  PPE

Wash hands, Don gloves and gown and use dedicated/disposable equipment in room.


What is Problem recognition?

noticing changes,Recognizing the problem using critical thinking


What is located in the 5th intercostal space, right of the sternal border midclavicular line?

Mitral Valve


List the steps to transfer a patient from the bed to a  wheelchair.

Make sure bed wheels are locked and wheelchair wheels are locked,move patient to the side of the bed and have them dangle their feet, place the bed at a safe height for you and the patient,assess what kind of assistance the patient needs. Lift patient using proper body mechanics. Pivot in the direction of the chair and slow sit the patient down in the chair.


What is the difference between an admission assessment and a focused assessment.

Admission- does not focus on one area, you must assess the patient from head to toe

Focused- focuses on a particular area of the body where the patient may be having symptoms


What is the difference between Medical Asepsis and Surgical Asepsis?

Medical Asepsis- free of almost all microorganisms (clean)

Sterile Asepsis- or sterile technique and are free of all microorgansisms (sterile)


What is reflection?

Thinking about the actions and outcomes of the patients care.


What 3 lung sounds are you listening for?

Bronchial, Vesicular and Bronchovasicular lung sounds.


A patient is coming to your unit with febrile seizures. What would you do to prepare the patients room ?

Place padding on siderails, prepare supplemental oxygen, Set up suction equipment, assess and monitor


What is the difference between a medical and a nursing diagnosis?

A medical diagnosis describes a disease process (ex:COPD)

A nursing diagnosis describes an individual, family or group response to an actual or potential problem (ex: Impaired gas exchange)


What PPE would you wear for Scarlet Fever? Precautions?

clean hands, mask/face shield and mask/droplet


What is clinical judgement?

observe,assess,prioritize and present a solution 


What locations are at most risk for skin breakdown (general)

boney prominences


What steps would you take when you walk into your patients room and they are having a seizure?

Take note of the time it started, call for help, place patient on their side, do not place anything in their mouth, loosen any restrictive clothing, maintain airway and suction secretions as needed, guide movements, do not restrict movements and document all findings post seizure.


Name a few high priority nursing diagnosis?

risk for infection, acute pain, ineffective airway clearance, risk for aspiration, decreased cardiac output


What are the four interventions implemented for Infection Control?

What is Hand Hygiene, Precautions/Isolation, PPE and Immunization.


A patient presents with severe pain after a fracture to the leg (pain scale of an 8 of of 10) and is requesting medication for the pain. The doctor has an order for Morphine Sulfate both  oral and intraveniously and the nurse chooses to give the patient the medication via IV. What thought process is this an example of?

 Clinical Decision making.


Name the 9 abdominal regions.

Right Hypochondrium, Epigastric Region, Left Hypochondrium, Right Lumbar, Umbilical Region, Left Lumbar, Right Iliac Region, Hypogastrium, Left Iliac Region


What is the safety importance of a "timeout" prior to surgery?

To ensure you have the right patient, the right procedure is being performed and the right surgical site is properly labeled/marked.


What are the priority nursing diagnosis assessments in order?

Airway Breathing Circulation, Maslows Heirarchy of Needs (physiological,safety, belonging/love, self esteem, self acualization)
