
__________ is a testable statement about a relationship between two variables.

What is a hypothesis?


A model or viewpoint which helps us organize and interpret the world is referred to as a:

What is a paradigm


A variable influencing other variables is the:

What is an independent variable?

The idea that knowledge is based on objective observation rather than on belief is termed:

What is positivism?


The science of knowledge is referred to as?

What is epistemology?


The phrase highlights the concept of_____:

Lobbyists advocate for causes that their constituents support, but also benefit them personally.

What is interest convergence


A study design in which all data is collected at only one timepoint is called?

What is cross sectional?


Rachel examined the literature on AIDS and could find nothing that examined children's attitudes toward parents and friends with AIDS.To study this, she would likely undertake what type of study?

What is an exploratory study?


If a researcher wanted to know why there was a noticeable increase in the number of burglaries in the city of Pinkville during 2015, the researcher would design a(n):

What is an explanatory study?


A _____ is an empirical relationship between two variables such that changes in one are associated with changes in the other.

What is a correlation?


A researcher examined newspaper editorials from papers published in major U.S. cities to determine what issues concerned readers. The unit of analysis is:

What are newspaper editorials?

Scientific inquiry comes down to making observations and _________ what you have observed.

What is interpreting ?


While doing research on crime, Professor Middler notes that crime creates jobs in law enforcement and related careers. He also notices that crime reinforces community norms. Professor Middler has probably chosen which paradigm?

What is structural functionalism?


Adam is looking to study the career trajectories of a specific group of college students, following the same individuals through their senior year and then five years afterward. What form of research methodology would he be using?

What is a panel study?


A(n) _____ is probabilistic and usually incomplete.

What is a nomoethic explanation?


Rose is conducting a study where she intends to follow a random selection of teenagers over a five-year period to better understand their sleeping habits. Each year she will randomly sample 500 individuals from a total of 50 high schools. What study design is this?

What is a trend study?


One of your friends scored in the 90s on her last ten exams. Although she has been studying for this exam and feels prepared, she told you, "I know I'm going to flunk this exam. I've been doing too well on exams." Your friend is committing the error of

What is illogical reasoning?


The research step where the researcher explains the true purpose of the research to subjects and discusses deception after their participation, is called?

What is debriefing?


Disclosure of any potential risks associated with the research, a description of the possible benefits to science and society, and a statement that participation in the project is voluntary is called?

What is informed consent?


Participation in any research study must be _____?

What is voluntary participation?


Maureen is performing a study in which she interviews disabled military veterans about how they are adapting to being back home. She is focusing on questions about what it means to be perceived by others as  "disabled" and a "veteran." What paradigm is Maureen's work most likely shaped by?

What is symbolic interactionism?


In Sweden, there is a very strong correlation between the number of storks and the number of babies born. However, both of these variables are associated with region (rural vs. urban). This illustrates:

What is spuriousness?


When names are removed from questionnaires and are replaced with identification numbers so that only the researcher can later link a response to a particular name, the researcher should tell the respondent that the information is:

What is confidential?


Finding no support of a realtionship that you had hypothesized , means you accept the___?

What is null hypothesis?


The ability to have two different, conflicting ideas in one's mind simultaneously without denying or dismissing either of them is known as?

What is tolerance for ambiguity?
