Intro Anatomy
Spinal Cord

Translate the bold words into anatomical terms. 

 Above the bridge are birds flying straight and below the bridge are waves. Cars driving on the side are moved away by aliens while cars in the middle are moved to the center. In front of the bridge is fine while the closer to the back in falling apart. In between the lanes are yellow lines. 

Superior, rectus, inferior, lateral, abducts, medial, adducts, anterior, posterior, intermediate


Which two bones make up the hard palate? Which bone is the majority of it?

What bone makes up the cribiform plate?

Palantine bone and maxillary bone; maxillary makes up the most; ethmoid bone


Where are somas of sensory neurons found?

Where are somas of motor neurons found?

Sensory: Dorsal root ganglion

Motor: Ventral horn of gray matter 


The tragus is apart of what region of the ear



Where can you find the best color vision, which tunic is it apart of? 

fovea centralis and apart of the nervous (retinal) tunic


What is the functional unit of bone, muscle, hearing, and nerves?

Osteon, sarcomere, organ of corti, neuron


What are the gyri immediately anterior and posterior of the central sulcus

Somatosensory cortex is posterior while primary motor cortex is anterior


What vertebral column do you insert a spinal tap (lumbar puncture) in? Why? 

L3 because is it inside the lumbar cistern where majority of CSF is housed and cauda equina. A needle inserted above this level could severe the spinal cord. 


What is the functional unit of hearing? What structure relieves pressure from the tympanic cavity?

Organ of corti and pharyngotympanic tube 


Explain Glaucoma

build up of pressure due too aqueous humor


What type of epithelium lines the trachea? Which type lines lungs and capillaries? 

trachea: pseudostratisfied cilated columnar 

Lungs/capillaries: simple squamous 


What are the types of fiber tracts and where can they be found?

Commissural fibers run side to side; found in corpus collosum. 

Association fibers run anterior to posterior; found between primary visual cortex and association cortex. 

Projectile fibers run inferior to superior; found in ascending/descending neural pathways. 


Which ascending fiber tracts have a synapse in the nucleus gracilis?



What are the types of lymph? Where are they found? 

Perilymph is found in the scala vestibuli and scala tympani. Endolymph is found in cochlear duct and semicircular canals


Which Chamber is just posterior to the lens, what does it hold?

Vitreous chamber holds the vitreous body. 


Which organelles in a cell are composed of bi-lipid membranes? 

mitochondria, ER, golgi, and nucleus


The structure that is intermediate of the palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal arches is the

palatine tonsil


What aspect of the pia mater is only found in the spinal cord. What is its function? 

What are the two layers of dura mater found in the brain?

Denticulate ligaments; help anchor spinal cord 

Periosteal layer and meningeal layer


List the ossicles from outermost to innermost. What muscles attach to these? What is the innervation and function?

Malleus, incus, stapes 

Tensor tympani muscle innervated by trigemminal nerve and reduces sound by tightening the tympanic membrane. Stapedius muscle innervated by facial nerve pulls stapes away from oval window. 


Imagine somebody is standing in anatomical position and looking in the direction of their left foot. Without movement of the head, explain the muscles and nerves recruited for both the right and left eyeball. 

Right eye: medial rectus adducts while inferior rectus inferiorly deviates eye, both innervated by occulormotor nerve. 

Left eye: Superior oblique laterally abducts (down and out) eyeball. Innervated by trochlear nerve. 


Explain the process of lowering blood calcium levels back to a homeostatic state. Explain the process of increasing blood calcium back to a homeostatic state. 

The thyroid gland will produce calcitonin which stimulates osteoblast the take calcium from the blood and built more bone. 

The parathyroid gland will produce parathyroid hormone which stimulates osteoclast to degrade bone. 


List the 12 cranial nerves in order. Which does not arise from brainstem and which arises anterior to the olive? 

Olfactory, optic, oculomotor, trochlear, trigeminal, abduces, facial, vestibulocochlear, glossopharyngeal, vagus, spinal accessory, and hypoglossal

Olfactory does not arise from brainstem and hypoglossal nerve arises anterior to the olive. 


Ouch! I grabbed my hot curling iron. Explain the spinal-thalamic pathway stimulated. 

Pain/Temperature: 3 order neural pathway. Synapse 1 is in dorsal horn of gray matter. Synapse 2 is in contralateral thalamus (cross the spinal cord). From there, the 3rd neuron travels to primary somatosensory cortex. 


What are the two ways the vestibular system detects balance? How does it work? 

Linear motion: provided by utricle and saccule each containing otoliths that shift the bend hair cells which send signals to the brain. 

Angular motion: provided by semicircular canals which contain a cupola at the ampulla and catch fluid movement which stimulate hair cells to send an impulse. 


Sally, 22 years old, cannot see nearby objects clearly. What vision condition does she have? How did it occur? Where is her focal point in relation to the retina? What would be different if she was 40 years old?

She has presbyopia due to eyeball too short. Her focal point occurs past the retina. The focal point occurs after the retina. If she was 40 years old, it could be due to lens dried up (age). 
