Which amino acid is specified by the codon 5′–AUG–3′?
What is Methionine
What molecule is removed to form glycosidic bonds (monosaccharides to disaccharides)?
What is water (H2O)
Which molecule did Avery identify as the genetic material?
What is DNA
What kind of bond forms when Carbon binds with Hydrogen
What is a nonpolar covalent bond
What is a nucleoside?
What is a nitrogenous base and sugar
Which codon(s) can signal the termination of translation?
What are UAA, UGA, and UAG
What term describes a molecule like a phospholipid, which has both hydrophobic and hydrophilic regions?
What is Amphipathic
Which treatment(s) served as controls in Griffith’s experiment?
What are live R strain and live S strain – unaltered groups with known outcomes
What best describes a polar covalent bond?
What is unequal sharing of electrons between an atom with a partial positive charge and an atom with a partial negative charge.
What nitrogenous base(s) have two rings in their structure?
What are purines (e.g. adenine (A) and guanine (G))
Which amino acid is able to form disulfide bonds?
What is Cysteine
What structural feature distinguishes unsaturated fatty acids from saturated fatty acids?
What is a double bond on the hydrocarbon chain
What was the goal of Avery’s experiment?
What is determining the identity of Griffith’s "transforming factor."
What type of bond is formed between Na+ and Cl-
What is a Ionic bond
Which carbon in the sugar undergoes a reaction to link one nucleotide to another?
What is the 3’ carbon
Identify the polarity of the following amino acid:
What is a polar amino acid
What are the three components that make up a triglyceride?
What is one glycerol molecule and three fatty acids
Which two elements did Hershey and Chase use to distinguish between DNA and protein?
Radioactive phosphorus-32 for DNA and sulfur-35 for protein.
What type of interaction characterizes the secondary structure of proteins?
What is Hydrogen bonding within the peptide backbone
What type of bond is formed between the sugar and phosphate group in a nucleotide?
What is a phosphodiester bond
Given the RNA sequence 5′-AUG AUC GGA UCG AUC CAU-3′, which polypeptide sequence would be produced when translated codon by codon?
What is Met-Ile-Gly-Ser-Ile-His
Which polysaccharides serve as energy storage molecules in animals and plants, respectively?
What is glycogen for animals and starch for plants
Why was the Hershey-Chase experiment considered the final proof that DNA carries genetic information?
What is demonstrating that only DNA entered bacterial cells and proteins remained on the outside of the cells
What type of weak intermolecular force results from temporary dipoles in nonpolar molecules?
What are Van der Waals forces
What type of bond is formed between the deoxyribose sugar and a purine or pyrimidine base?
What is a covalent bond