I-O Psychology
Individual Differences & Faking
Job Analysis
Job Performance Theory & Assessment
Personnel Selection

Professor in a psychology department; Professor in a business school; Applied research or test developer; Internal consultant; External consultant; Human resources; Leadership coaching

What are typical careers for I-O Psychologists


conscientiousness, agreeableness, emotional stability, extraversion, and openness to experience


What are the Big 5 personality dimensions


A process that determines the important tasks of a job and the human attributes necessary to successfully perform those tasks

What is Job Analysis


3 types of rater biases that can occur

What are Halo bias, Similarity bias, Leniency bias


Test used to add information about positive attributes of a candidate that might predict outstanding performance


What is a "screen-in" test


Performance appraisal; Recruitment & staffing; Training & developing

What are “I-side” topics in I/O psychology


Useful predictor for motivational aspects related to job performance (e.g. poisoning a coworkers coffee) 

What is the relationship between personality and job performance


Preparing works in appropriate format for publication, and sending to publishers is an example of ______

What is a task statement


Although Curtis's boss has repeatedly told him his work schedule is from 7am - 4pm, Curtis continues to show up for work at 6:30am and stays until 4:15 everyday. This is an example of _____ performance

What is contextual performance (also called OCB)

Part of the 3-factor theory of performance


How well the test isolates the particular KSAO it is intended to measure

When a test lacks association with performance and is not useful for selection.

What are construct validity and criterion-related validity

Also need to know what reliability is


Motivation; Attitudes; Justice; Teamwork; Leadership; Stress & work-life balance

What are “O-side” topics in I/O psychology


Useful predictor of job performance when a job requires a lot of mental ability, and not a lot of other stuff like physical ability

What is the relationship between "g" and job performance


Making notes about behaviors that were successful and which were not during fireman training exercise 

What are critical incidents


Job specific task proficiency, Demonstrating effort, Maintaining personal discipline are some of the components in a particular model

What are the 8 performance components in Campbell’s model


A cutoff score based on the pool of people (a certain percentage or proportion)

A test cutoff score that reflects minimum acceptable performance

What is the difference between norm-referenced and criterion-referenced cutoff scores

Which is better


Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP)

What is the professional organization for I-O


Multiple layers of ability (G; Fluid intelligence; Crystallized intelligence; Memory; Visual perception; Auditory perception; Information retrieval; Cognitive speed)

What is recent conceptualization of cognitive ability


Job incumbents or job supervisors , consultants,  and graduate students in I/O psychology (Hint: process used to determine job tasks)

What is "people who should conduct job analysis"


Declarative knowledge (DK); Procedural knowledge and skill (PKS); Motivation (M)

What are the “determinants” of performance in the Campbell model


Major findings on Stewart et al. (2008) handshake study

People were recommended based on quality of handshake (i.e. firm handshakes, more eye contact) 

 Extroversion would predict handshake quality and handshake would affect interview ratings

Relationships found between extroversion and handshake quality

Handshake and interview rating had a pretty large relationship

handshake not most valid and reliable way to measure selection (extroversion ≠ good job performance)


More teamwork in organizations

Development of internet and other advanced technologies

Increase in dual-earner families

Workforce and organizations are more diverse and global

Increased downsizing and layoffs

Increase in service jobs vs. manufacturing/production job

What are the major changes that have taken place in the workplace since the 1980s


Concern with transparent tests (e.g. Personality tests, biodata, vocational interests)

What is faking


Frequency of performance, Importance to overall job success, Whether task/behavior must be performed on 1st day or can be learned gradually, Importance of KSAO’s

What are "questions that typically appear on job analysis surveys"


Process of collecting and providing a manger or executive with feedback from many sources (supervisors, peers, customers, etc.)

What is 360-degree feedback 

Will also need to know its advantages and disadvantages, and suggestions for making 360-degree feedback more effective


Two types of discrimination lawsuits

What are intentional discrimination and non-intentional discrimination (practice implemented by employer that disadvantaged plaintiffs)
