What is a Theory?
3 Paradigms of Science
Family Development Theory
Social Exchange Theory
Dynamics of Family Violence

What is a theory? 

1. Provide explanations for what is observed.
2. Inform research.
3. Are abstract and general ideas.


What are the 3 paradigms of science? 

1. Positivism
2. Interpretive
3. Conflict or Critical 

Which task is associated with launching stage according to the Family Development Theory? 

Maintaining a supportive home base. 


What is the difference between the reward and profit?

Reward: Anything beneficial
Profit: Calculations of rewards costs


What are the three stages in the cycle of violence? And what happens in each cycle? 

1. Building (Anger Builds)
2. Violence
3. (Honeymoon (Apologies and increased intimacy)


Which part of the theory demonstrates the relationship between concepts?



Which paradigm of science do the Family Development Theory and Social Exchange Theory come from? 


In which stage do parents deal with the task of coping with energy depletion and lack of privacy? 

Preschool age


What are the definitions of costs, rewards, and profits?  

Costs: What we don't like. 
Rewards: What we consider to beneficial.
Profits: The ratio of rewards to costs. 


Which stage in the cycle of violence reinforces the cycle? Why? 

The honeymoon stage. 


What are the assumptions of a theory? 

The statement considered to be true that provide the foundation of a theory. 


Which theoretical paradigm emphasizes the discovery of natural laws using the scientific method? 



What are the basic assumptions of the Family Development Theory? 

1. Families must be viewed in multiple levels of analysis.
2. Institutional norms regulate behavior.
3. Development is reciprocal.
4. Families should be viewed over time. 


What are the basic assumptions of the social exchange theory?

1. Humans are rational beings.
2. Social relationships are characterized by interdependence and reciprocity.
3. People are motivated by self-interest.


What are the 3 characteristics of the cycle?

1. Severity increases each time.
2. Cycle goes faster each time.
3. Cycle is reinforcing. 


What is deductive reasoning? 

In Sister Strickland's review video, she said, "Deductive is basically using a theory to guide development of a research project."


What emphasizes that truth is imposed by those with the power to shape knowledge.

Critical paradigm. 


What are the critiques of the Family Development Theory? 

1. Non-traditional and non-nuclear families are not accounted for.
2. Universality - not all families go through the same stages.
3. Lack of attention to identity factors (race and ethnicity).


The expectation that the rewards of each person in a relationship will be proportional to their respective costs and that the net rewards for each person will be proportional to their investments in the relationship is called what? 

The rule of distributive justice.


What are some reasons why someone stays in an abusive relationship? 

1. Fear of losing children
2. Fear of physical abuse
3. Love for partner; wants to be together
4. The belief that things will get better
5. Afraid of negative impact on children
6. Afraid of failure: family, friends, community
7. Feel helpless, nothing will help
8. Feels guilty about some of the things she did wrong

How do you know if two variables are negatively correlated to one another? 

If one variable increases, and the other decreases. Or if one variable decreases, while the other increases. 


True or False:
Scientific paradigms (world views) are broader than theories and may help produce a number of theories.



What is the meaning of the assumption - Universality? 

The belief that all families go through the same stages. 


In the article, "Giving Up and Giving In" - It mentions a study by J. Thibaut, and H. Kelley. What is their focus on? 

Comparison level, and comparison for alternatives - They talk about similarly suited people for the purpose of comparing things. We compare ourselves to similar people to us. (Like a neighbor). 


In the Burr article, what does he say about the exchange theory?

Exchange theory is a useful theory.

