What are all living organisms composed of?
Anything that occupies space and has mass.
What is matter?
Length, Double bonds, Branching, and Rings.
What are the four ways in which carbon skeletons can vary?
Order, Reproduction, Growth & Development, Energy Processing, Evolutionary Adaptation, Regulation, and Response to Environment
What are the seven properties of life?
A substance containing two or more elements in a fixed ratio.
What is a compound?
“Water loving”; pertaining to polar or charged molecules that are soluble in water.
Describe hydrophilic.
Domain Bacteria, Domain Archaea, and Domain Eukarya
What are the three domains of life?
Oxygen(O), Carbon(C), Hydrogen, and Nitrogen(N)
Which four elements are most important to life on Earth?
Hydroxyl Group, Carbonyl Group, Carboxyl Group, Amino Group, Phosphate Group, and Methyl Group.
What are the Chemical Groups of Organic Compounds?
Artificial selection involves humans choosing, while natural selection is intentional and unintentional manipulations changing the environment.
How are humans involved in both artificial selection and natural selection?
An isotope whose nucleus decays spontaneously, giving off particles and energy.
What is a radioactive isotope?
Consist of a phosphorus atom bonded to four oxygen atoms.
What does a phosphate group consist of?
Genetic information flows from genes to proteins; the flow of genetic information from the genotype to the phenotype.
What is gene expression?
The attraction of its given atom for the electrons of a covalent bond.
What is electronegativity?
The hydroxyl, amino, and phosphate groups.
What chemical groups do not contain carbon?