So Mental
Nice Performance!
Now that's Motivating!
The First Third
Well that's Perceptual
Second that emotion!

Making assumptions about specific groups of people is this type of mental model. 

What is a stereotype?


These should be specific, measurable, attainable, results-oriented, and time bound. 

What are SMART goals?


These two, make up the types of motivation. 

What is intrinsic and extrinsic motivation?


This type of approach calls for using OB concepts and tools as situationally appropriate, instead of trying to rely on “one best way.”

What is the contingency approach?


These two are of the most mailable of individual differences.

What are attitudes and emotions?


The ability to understand the needs of others is known as this interpersonal skill. 

What is Social Awareness?


These two skills are the key strategies to testing mental models and developing better outcomes.

What are skills of reflection and inquiry?


Goals, according to the contingency approach in defining performance can be behavioral, Task/Project and this. 

What are objective goals?


In job design, this newer approach of combining top down and bottom up is called this. 

What are idiosyncratic deals (i-deals)?


Personal attitudes affect behavior via their....

What are intentions?


The person answering this question has confidence in their ability to get the right answer.

What is Self-Efficacy? 


Our autonomic nervous system controls our fight or flight response. The part of the brain in charge of this is this. 

What is the limbic system (including the amygdala) 


Known for an implicit way to manipulate a situation to avoid dealing with how we actually think, this is a technique for dealing with it. 

What is the left-hand column? 


This affect occurs when a manager evaluates someone's performance against another persons 

What is Contrast effect?

These type of theories refer to unmet needs of the employee.

What are content theories of motivation?


Co-Workers watching the Bills game together is this type of companionship.

What is Social Companionship?


Katrina is performing badly because she is lazy. That's how I see it anyway...

What is a causal attribution?


These are the two ways to consider how we respond to emotions. 

What is physiological and subjective responses?


Fundamental Attribution error perception is a leap of abstraction in this context where are the perceptions we make that cause us to climb this ladder quickly when mapping out behavior.

What is the ladder of inference?


According to Skinner, there are two types of behavior. Unlearned, or, respondent, and this kind, which can be manipulated, or learned. 

What is operant behavior? 


Taking Maslow up a notch, this ERG theory said we have three types of needs. What ERG needs are there?

What are Existence (E), Relatedness (R), and Growth (G) needs?


This situation is making me pretty uncomfortable in my brain. I'm experiencing a bad case of....

What is cognitive dissonance?


When Santa Clause makes causal attributions about the behavior of his elves, he is observing these three dimensions.

What is consensus, distinctiveness, and consistency?


To channel emotions to achieve a goal; postpone immediate gratification for future gratification, productivity in areas of low interest/enjoyment and to persist in the face of frustration are all examples of this important skill in individuals.

What is self-motivation?


These phrases are what we say and what is implied in what we do. 

What is espoused theory versus theory in use?


An effective performance management system has 4 defined steps. Step in the right direction and list them in order.

What is define performance, monitor & evaluate, review, and provide consequences?


Equity, or Justice theory, includes three elements that make up our evaluation of motivation.

What are Outputs (perceived of getting out of the job), Inputs (What they perceive they pare putting into their job), and Comparison, how does ones O/I compare with others' O/I?


This is made up positive emotions, engagement, relationships, meaning, and achievement (or PERMA)

What is Well-Being?


According to the Social Information processing model, stage 2 is where we do what with all of the stimuli?

What is coding and simplification?


The ability to accurately perceive your own emotions and motives across various situations is this. 

What is Self-Awareness?
