Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

This type of research study is the systematic, objective observation of subjects.

What is a descriptive study?


A child who had to have part of their brain removed due to seizure activity is able to regain almost all functioning because other brain areas took over for the material that was missing. This process is called what?

What is plasticity?


The stroop task is an example is this.

What is selective attention?

To study the nature vs. nurture debate, this is the best type of study to conduct. 

What is a twin study?


This diagnosis is categorized by having impaired theory of mind, social deficiencies, and repetitive behaviors.

What is autism spectrum disorder?


When you noticed a particularly bright flower in the garden, what is happening to that wavelength of light?

It is getting higher 


This is another name for the "I knew it all along" phenomenon.

What is hindsight bias?


The axon of the neuron is covered by this. 

What is the myelin sheath?


This is the deepest stage of sleep.

What is NREM-3?


This is a person's characteristic emotional reactivity and intensity; apparent from first weeks of life and generally persists into adulthood.

What is temperament?


You would expect to see the development of object permanence during this developmental stage.

What is sensorimotor?


This type of information processing is guided by higher-level mental processes.

What is top down processing?


A friend tells you they are conducting their senior thesis and found that # of hours on TikTok and one's GPA are correlated at +1.50. How do you interpret this?

You don't because +1.5 is not a possible correlation. 


This neurotransmitter impacts mood, hunger, sleep, and arousal.

What is serotonin?


This type of processing focuses on conscious awareness to a particular stimulus

What is sequential processing?


This is the proportion of variation among individuals that can be attributed to genes.

What is heritability?


This is an agent, such as a chemical or virus, that can reach the embryo or fetus during prenatal development and cause harm.

What is a teratogen?


This is the minimum stimulation needed to detect a particular stimulus 50% of the time

What is absolute threshold?


The theory of studying psychology via functionalism was proposed by this person. 

Who is William James?


This part of the autonomic nervous systems kicks in during fight or flight.

What is the sympathetic nervous system?


What type of consciousness is dreaming?

Spontaneously induced


Rats of high-licking mothers who were raised by low-licking mother rats were low-lickers themselves because of changes in ethyl groups on their DNA strands. This is an example of what.

What is epigenetics ?


"Sally and Anne have a basket and a box, respectively. Sally also has a marble, which she places into her basket, and then leaves the room. While she is out of the room, Anne takes the marble from the basket and puts it into the box. Sally returns to look for her marble." A child who hears this story and says Sally will look for her marble in the box has not yet mastered this.  

What is theory of mind?


Someone who was uncomfortable wearing a mask at the start of the pandemic but doesn't even notice when they have it on is an example of this.

What is sensory adaptation?


A developmental psychologist is interested in how the activity level of 4-year-olds may be affected by viewing a 30-minute video of SpongeBob SquarePantsor a 30-minute video of Sid the Science Kid. This is the dependent variable.

What is activity level?


A lack of the neurotransmitter ACH (Acetylcholine) is implicated in this disease. 

What is Alzheimer's disease.


Cocaine interfere with the re-uptake of this neurotransmitter.

What is serotonin?


A general cross-cultural agreement that killing a member of your family is wrong is an example of this concept. 

What is universal moral grammar?


Mary Ainsworth created a research experiment to study this developmental construct?

What is attachment style?


The visual cliff is an experiment designed to test this.

What is babies' depth perception?
