RAD 102
RAD 102
RAD 102
RAD 102
RAD 102

How do we determine if a patient took a deep breath on an X-ray image?

10 Ribs should been seen. 


Explain Asthenic.

1. 10% of population

2. Organs: heart is vertical, lungs are long apices above clavicles, diaphragm is low, stomach is low, colon is low, gallbladder is low. 

3. characteristics: build is frail, long/shallow thorax  short abdomen, wide pelvis. 


What is the best position for a chest X-ray? 

Upright position. 


What is the location of the trachea? 

The Trachea lies in the midline of the body, anterior to the esophagus in the neck. 

In the thorax, the esophagus is shifted to the right of the midline due to the arching of the aorta. 


Define Pleural Effusion

collection of fluid in the pleural cavity.


Define Pneumothorax

Accumulation of air in the plural cavity, resulting in a collapsed lung. 


Explain Hypersthenic. 

1. 5% of population

2. Organs: heart is transverse, lungs are short apices at/near clavicles, diaphragm is high, stomach is high, colon is around periphery of abdomen, gallbladder is high. 

3. characteristics:  build is massive, thorax is short, abdomen is long, pelvis is narrow. 


Define Decubitus. 

1.Indicates that the patient is lying down and that the central ray is horizontal and parallel with the floor. 

2. Three decubitus positions are:

- lateral decubitus

- dorsal decubitus

- Ventral decubitus


What is the location of the esophagus? 

Apart of the digestive canal that connects the pharynx with the stomach. 

Located posterior to the mediastinum, and anterior to the esophageal hiatus of diaphragm. Lies in front of the vertebral column. (close to trachea/heart/aortic arch)

Define Ileus.

Failure of bowel perisstalsis


Explain Body Habitus

Common Variation in the shape of the human body. 


Explain Midsagittal Plane. 

Specific plane that passes through the midline of the body and divides it into equal right and left halves. 


Why do we do chest x-rays at 72 inch SID?

do decrease magnification of the heart, and increase spatial resolution of the thoracic structures.


Define Recumbent.

General term referring to lying down in any position, such as dorsal/ventral/lateral recumbent. 


What pathology is best demonstrated on a lateral KUB?

 1. to show proper placement of AAA graft's.

2. shows any intra-abdominal calcifications or tumor masses. 


Explain Sthenic

1.50% of population

2.organs: heart moderately transverse,  lungs are moderate length, diaphragm is high, stomach is high upper left, colon spread evenly, gallbladder centered on right side upper abdomen. 

3.characteristics: moderately heavy, short thorax long abdomen, small pelvis.


Explain Midcoronal Plane.

A specific coronal plane that passes through the midline of the body, dividing it into equal anterior and posterior halves. Also called the Midaxillary plane. 


What is the central ray location for a PA chest x-ray? 

Perpendicular to the center of the IR. The central ray should enter at the level of T7 (inferior angle of scapula).


Define Anatomical Position. 

When a patient stands erect with the face and eyes directed forward, arms extended out to the side with palms facing upward. 


What is the location of the Iliac Crest?

Located at the L4, L5 landmarks. (lumbar spine 4-5)

Explain Hyposthenic.

1. 35% of the population

2. organs and characteristics for this habitus are between Sthenic and Asthenic. 

3. most difficult to classify


Define Carina. 

Where is it located? 

The carina is elongated tracheal cartilage and has a hook-like process. 

Located at the inferior end of the trachea. 

At the carina, the trachea divides into two lesser tubes, the primary bronchi's. One enters the right lung, one enters the left lung. 


What is the central ray location for a lateral chest x-ray?

Perpendicular to the center of the IR. The central ray enters the patient on the midcoronal plane at the level of T7 (inferior scapula)


Define Axial Projection

longitudinal angulation of the central ray with the long axis of the body or a specific body part. 

based on the anatomic position, most often produced by angling the central ray cephalad or caudad.  


Define Psoas Muscles. 

a pair of long, ribbon-shaped muscles that run from the lower back to the hips, on either side of the spine 

Key part of the core, help with movement of the lower back. 
