Physical Assessment
Health Promotion
Growth and Development

Using this type of questioning will allow the adolescent to talk freely.

What is an open-ended questioning?


This term describes a child under 18 years of age with the legal capacity of an adult to make their own healthcare decisions.

What is an emancipated minor?


These two terms describe how gross and fine motor skills are developed.

What are cephalocaudal and proximodistal?


This is a catheter inserted to drain excess CSF from the brain to treat hydrocephalus.

What is ventriculoperitoneal (VP) shunt?


Idiopathic scoliosis is common during this period of rapid growth.

What is pre-adolescence and adolescence?


These are the ages when the anterior and posterior fontanelles close.

What is 2-3 months for the posterior fontanelle and 12-18 months for the anterior fontanelle?


This term defines therapeutic care that minimizes or eliminates the psychological and physical distress experienced by the child and family.

What is atraumatic care?


This is a term where the toddler may prefer only one particular food for several days but not want it for weeks.

What is a food jag?


A bulging fontanel and large head are hallmark signs of hydrocephalus in this age group.

What is infancy?


The aim of treatment for scoliosis is this.

What is preventing progression of the curvature and decreasing the impact on pulmonary and cardiac function?


These are considerations for approaching the physical exam with a newborn or infant.

What is least invasive to most invasive, auscultate when quiet, have parent help, & do exam well in advance of next feeding.


Children (especially those under the age of 5) typically are hospitalized for this reason.

What are respiratory diseases?


This guidance involves common childhood health problems, normal developmental milestones, and seeks to prevent or improve the health of children.

What is anticipatory guidance?


These are the actions included in the nursing management for children with hydrocephalus.

What is maintain cerebral perfusion, minimize neurological complications, maintain adequate nutrition, promote G&D, support child and family?


After a client has their surgical correction, this technique should be used to avoid flexion of the back.

What is the log-rolling technique?


The sequence of the physical examination for children should be based on these.

What is the developmental age, his or her level of cooperation, and severity of the illness?


These are the psychological effects of hospitalizations on children.

What is anxiety, fear, separation anxiety, loss of control, and regression?


These are the psychosocial development stages for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, school-age, and adolescents.

What is trust vs. mistrust, autonomy vs. shame and doubt, initiative vs. guilt, industry vs. inferiority, and identity vs. role confusion?


These are the signs and symptoms of shunt infection.

What is elevated vital signs indicative of an infection, poor feeding, vomiting, decreased responsiveness, seizure activity, signs of local inflammation along the shunt tract, and increased ICP.


A teen having to wear a brace could cause these three issues.

What is discomfort, compliance, and negative body image?


This finding in the toddler’s vital signs should be reported immediately: T 36.8 oC; HR 115; RR 45; BP 95/50

What is the respiratory rate?


The client weighs 66 lbs. Vancomycin is ordered at 50 mg/kg/day in divided doses Q6. This is the daily dose and the dose given Q6.

What is 1500 mg/day and 375 mg/dose?


These are the cognitive development stages for infants, toddlers, preschoolers, school-age, and adolescents.

What is sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational?


These are the signs and symptoms of shunt malfunction.

What are vomiting, drowsiness, headache, and increased ICP?


Surgical correction is required for clients with this degree of curvature.

What is 45 degrees or greater?
