Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35

Which level of biological organization is composed of several tissues?

What is organ?


Which functional group is PO4?

What is phosphate group?


Male goats will attempt to mate with goats who resemble the female goat who raised
them. This is an example of?

What is imprinting?


A number of populations of different species interacting with one another is called a?

What is a community?


Which type of organism produces their own food in an ecosystem?

What is an autotroph?


True or false? Scientific theories, once found to be true, are always true.

What is false?


What monomer makes up nucleic acids?

What are nucleotides?


The mating strategy in which a male mates with multiple females is called?

What is polygamy?


A form of symbiosis in which both participants benefit is called?

What is mutualism?


Which of the following is NOT a carbon reservoir?
A. living organisms
B. dead organisms
C. coal
D. ammonium and nitrates

What are ammonium and nitrates?


A physician specializes in surgery involving the following group of organs: mouth, esophagus, stomach, and intestines. Overall, what is the highest level of organization that this physician is specialized in?

What is organ system?


When a covalent bond forms what happens to the electron?

What is shared between the atoms?


Male elk may earn the right to mate with female elk by battling other males with their
antlers. This is an example of?
A. sexual selection.
B. altruistic behavior.
C. sociobiology.
D. classical conditioning.

What is sexual selection?


 Population size is believed to level off at the _______ of an environment.

What is the carrying capacity?


Fungi and bacteria are detritus-feeders, also known as?

What are decomposers?


Jennifer wants to use the brand of fertilizer that gives her the most tomatoes from each plant. She breaks her plants into groups and uses a different brand of fertilizer on each group. The experimental/independent variable is represented by?

What is brand of fertilizer?


Which type of bond formation is responsible for the properties of water?

What is a hydrogen bond?


Which of the following statements is NOT true about fixed action patterns (FAPs)?
A. All the members of a species perform the exact same sequence of behaviors.
B. The behavior pattern is stereotyped.
C. The fixed action pattern is considered to be initiated by a sign stimulus.
D. FAPs require learning.

What is FAP's require learning?


In a species with a type III survivorship curve
A. most individuals die of old age.
B. many individuals die early in life.
C. individuals die at a constant rate throughout time.
D. most individuals die during their reproductive years . 

What is many individuals die early in life?


The first step in the use of carbon by living organisms occurs in
A. humans.
B. vertebrates.
C. invertebrates.
D. green plants.

What are green plants?


Jeff wants to know what concentration of bleach would be most effective at killing bacteria without overdoing it and using too much bleach. Jeff makes 3 solutions of bleach in water, 1, 5, and 10% solutions. He then adds a specific number of bacteria to a test tube of each solution and waits 3 minutes. He puts these bacterial on a petri plate and later counts colonies to see how many bacteria survived. In this experiment, the number of bacteria that were killed would be what type of variable?

What is the dependent variable?


Does low pH level (0-6) indicate an acid or a base?

What is an acid?


To train an animal, you try to reward each instance of desired behavior. In this way,
you can eventually get pigeons to play ping-pong. This system of reward, where animals are given a reward each time they responded correctly, usually in a boxlike environment, is called?
A. operant conditioning.
B. insight learning.
C. extinction.
D. motivation

What is operant conditioning?


A population under exponential growth would be graphed with ______-shaped
A. bell
B. pyramid
C. S
D. J

What is a J shaped curve?


A carbon atom starts as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. It is brought into a sugar molecule by a plant. The sugar is eaten by a deer and is converted back to carbon dioxide in a deer mitocondrion. The carbon dioxide is then exhaled back to the atmosphere Through what parts of the carbon cycle did it pass?

A. living organism to reservoir to living organism to exchange pool.
B. exchange pool to living organism to living organism to exchange pool.
C. reservoir to living organism to living organism to exchange poo

What is exchange pool to living organism to living organism to exchange pool?
