Process of Science
Community Ecology
Ecosystem Ecology
Progress or Poison
Global Climate Change

What is the science?

A method of seeking answers to questions on the basis of observation and experimentation.


What role do pollinators play in the ecosystem?

They help plants reproduce, thus maintaining the food web.


What is a biome?

A large/distinguished region of vegitation dependednt on climate


What is biomagnification?

The process by which environmental toxins accumulate as they move up the food chain


What is the difference between climate and weather?

Climate is the long-term average of atmospheric conditions in a region, while weather is the local atmospheric conditions over a short interval


What is Anecdotal evidence?

A type of evidence that is based on casual or shallow observations and is not enough to use as the basis of a hypothesis.


What type of polination occors when a mass of pollen is sent out in hopes of reaching a single receptor?

Wind pollination


What is the nitrogen cycle?

The movement of nitrogen atoms as they cycle between different molecules in living organisms and the environment


What is DDT and how does it work?

A potent pesticide that poisons the nervous system of insects and other animals.


What is phenology?

The study of cyclic life events such as plant flowering and animal migration and how these are influenced by climate and seasonal changes


An experiment with a 95% chance of its results not being based on random chance would be considered _________.

statistically significant


What is the type of consumer that feeds on both primary and secondary consumers?

Tertiary Consumers


What chemical do plants use in order to take in nitrogen?

Ammonia (NH3)


Who is Rachel Carson?

A biologist and science writer who sparked the modern envirmentalism movement.


What is the greenhouse effect?

The trapping of sunlight via reflection from the atmosphere, making the earth warmer.


What type of study has two groups that are different but compared based on a single variable?

case control study


What is the theorized reason behind Colony Collapse disorder?

A combination of factors that are stressing the bees beyond their ability to cope?


What is the second law of thermodynamics, and how does it apply to the food chain?

Simply put, in terms of biology the second law of thermodynamics states that when energy is transferred from one organism to the next, some usable energy is lost as heat (90%). This is important to the food chain because only 10% of energy is retained from one trophic level to the next.


What was the original intended purpose of DDT?

To battle Typhus and Malaria in the US army.


What is the difference between climate change and global warming?

Global warming is The long-term rise in the Earth's surface temperature, primarily due to the increase in greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Climate change is a much broader term that encompasses global warming, but also deals with changes in temperature, precipitation levels, and sea levels, ocean acidity, and much more


What is the difference between an experiment and an observational study?

An experiments involves directly manipulating a variable, while an observational study records data without any interference with the variables.


What are the three different types of symbiotic relationships?

Parasitism, Commensalism, and Mutualism


What is a keystone species and how does it affect ecosystems?

A member of an ecosystem that plays a crucial role in holding the ecosystem together.


When was the first earth day?

April 22, 1970


How can global warming cause illness?

Corpses of dead animals can be thawed from the ice, unleashing dormant bacteria onto an unsuspecting community.
