The purpose of a diagnostic approach.
What is to provide the best instruction possible for all learners
Physical health, personality, language differences.
What are out-of-school factors?
An objective record of observed behavior.
What is an anecdotal record?
Students who use a variety of strategies in decoding and comprehension.
What are proficient readers?
True or false: Nutrition can be a cause for poor achievement in school.
Diagnosis in reading's purpose.
What is to see an understanding of strengths and needs.
Instructional methods, teacher knowledge, and instructional materials.
What are in-school factors?
This is used to detect word recognition problems.
What is an oral reading assessment or running record?
Preview, predict, and make connections to prior knowledge.
What are pre-reading strategies?
True or false: Reading is a simple process.
The frequency of diagnosis.
What is continuous, occurring frequently throughout the year?
Socio-economic status, parents' educational level, neighborhood.
What is a child's home environment?
Portfolios, running records, and interest surveys.
What are examples of authentic assessment?
Making connections, confirming predictions, summarizing, and inferring.
What are during reading strategies?
Tell what a teacher should do if a child has a learning disability?
Plan instruction that builds on his strengths.
The process of a diagnostic approach.
What is essential for RTI and MTSS?
Feelings of safety, comfort, and acceptance.
What are in-school factors?
Tests oral reading and helps to determine a student's reading level.
What is Informal Reading Inventory?
Making connections, summarizing, synthesizing new knowledge, reviewing material.
What are after-reading strategies?
The process of thinking about how you think.
What is metacognition?
The three steps in RTI that align with a diagnostic approach.
What is regular instruction, supplementary instruction, and intensive instruction?
Related to self-concept, the belief that one simply cannot perform the task.
What is learned helplessness?
The three factors of the assessment process?
What is what students know, what they can do, and what skills they have learned?
Active, purposeful, evaluative, thoughtful, strategic, persistent, and productive.
What are proficient reading behaviors?
Term for the way content is taught.
What is pedagogy?