Ch 1
Ch 2
Ch 3
Ch 6
The Energy Bus

The key points to “Funds of Knowledge”

What are skills, knowledge, and experiences?


The way family structure has changed in the US over time. 

What is becoming more diverse, increased single parent households, multigenerational families, and blended families.


The definition the book gives for “family”

What is single parent households, extended family, multigenerational households, and any other close relationship a student has that contributes to the wellbeing of the child. 


Culture refers to..

What is the morals, values, and believes of a group of people. Also including race and ethnicity, language and geography of the group of people. 


The first rule of The Energy Bus.

What is You’re the driver of your own bus.


Strategies teachers can use to engage families in a culturally responsive way.

What is learning about the cultural backgrounds of students and families?

What is building personal relationships through frequent, respectful communication?

What is involving families in decision making processes?


The components of the ecological framework in family-school relationships.

What is family, school, community, and larger societal factors. 


Ways educators can use two-way communication with families.

What is actively listening to families concerns and feedback, offering different methods of communication, and regularly checking in with families for positive and negative interaction. 


The definition of educentric.

What is the educators views on family-school relationships and family involvement in the children’s education from their own perspective on values, goals, and priorities. 


The term “fuel” and its symbolization. 

What is fuel symbolizes positive energy and its needed to fuel your own bus. 


The meaning of a “culturally responsive” family-school relationship.

What is creating an inclusive environment where the diversity of students and their families are respected, understood, and leveraged to enhance learning. 


The definition of hyper-segregation in schools. 

What is the severe level of racial or ethnic segregation of students in schools with highly concentrated populations of those with the same background and little to no exposure to other cultures or ethnic backgrounds. 


Goals of collaborative Interaction.

What are blocking blame, non-problematic interactions, and co-decision?


The two largest changes on how money is spent from 1950-2010.

What is groceries and housing have the biggest changes with groceries in 1950 being 11.2% of income to 2010 increasing to 34%. Housing in 1950 was 72% of income in 2010 it was 22%.


Three ideas that move your bus in the right direction.

What are desire, vision, and focus?


The way the school can address power imbalances that often exist in family-school interactions.

What is creating more equitable opportunities for family participation, ensuring communication is open, allowing space for co-decision making, and offering culturally inclusive resources. 


The definition of a paradigm. 

What is an unwritten policy or expectation that almost everyone follows in a given culture. 


Aspects of school climate.

What are schools culture, milieu, social system, and ecology. 


Explain the Culture of Poverty.

What is the attitudes values and beliefs that keep individuals at the bottom and gets passed on to children. 


The tenth rule of The Energy Bus.

What is have fun and enjoy the ride?


The barriers that prevent effective family-school partnerships.

What is language differences, cultural misunderstandings, varying expectations on familial roles, socioeconomic challenges, and lack of culturally relevant communication? 


The definition of divergent thinking.  

What is thinking outside of the box and seeing more than one possible answer or outcome for a given problem or question. 

What is creative thinking where others normally wouldn’t. 


The Dyadic strategies.

What are observing parents and teacher cooperating, getting the same message from parents and teachers, and increased student ownership.


Steps to cultural Reciprocity

What is to know your own world view, learn about families and their community, acknowledge and respect cultural differences, and reach mutual goals.


The importance of saying “no” according the the book.

What is the importance of protecting your energy by not allowing negative people or influences to drain it. 
