The amount of "Indian blood" a person has
What is blood quantum?
The number of reservations in Montana
What is seven?
Totem poles are a common art style typical in this culture area
What is Northwest Coastal?
Two common symbols in Native American spiritual beliefs
What are the number 4 and circles?
The practice of marrying outside of ones kinship group
What is exogamy?
This theory proposes that there 3 waves of migration into the Americas
What is the Bering Strait theory?
The number of tribes in Montana
What is twelve?
Algonquin, Siouan, and Uto-Aztecan are examples of this
What are language families?
The belief in the existence of spirit beings
What is animism?
A type of kinship system which traces lineage through matrilineal or patrilineal lines
What are clans?
They set the criteria for tribal citizenship
What are tribal governments?
This Montana tribe does not have a reservation
What is Little Shell?
The era before horses was called this
What are the Dog Days?
A Navajo word that can be translated to mean beauty, balance, or harmony
What is hozho?
Lakota, Dakota, and Nakota are divisions of this tribe
What is the Sioux?
True or False:
An American Indian is someone who speaks a Native language
This Montana tribe resides on two reservations
What is the Assiniboine?
Engravings or carvings on rocks
What are petroglyphs?
A Sioux term that is literally translated as "the Big Sacred"
What is Wakan Tanka?
A type of cousin that would be considered siblings
What are parallel cousins?
This person describes their ethnicity as "Cablinasian"
Who is Tiger Woods?
Apsaalooke is the traditional name of this Montana tribe
What are the Crow?
A historical record kept on a buffalo hide
What are winter counts?
What are the four medicines?
"A local group of people jointly wandering in search of subsistance"
What is a band?