This time frame was a significant improvement for the rights of children.
What is the age of adolescence (1890-1920)
This approach is the basic priciple of Piaget's theory.
What is the cognitive-developmental approach?
Awareness of these social expectations intensify in adolescence.
Gender roles
This board is responsible for the upholding of varous ethical guidlines within an institution.
What is the Institutional Review Board (IRB)?
This is a bodily system is responsible for kick starting biological changes in the body.
What is the endocrine system?
This type of beliefs dictate what is right or wrong, what is of importance in life, and how life is to be lived.
What is cultural beliefs?
This type of identity allows for individuals to alternate their identities depending on their social group.
What is bicultural/ multicultural identity?
This is the easiest form of experimental research.
What is collecting data from two groups (control/ experimental)
This genotype is associated with seeking out environments that correspond to their genetypic characteristics.
What is the active genotype?
The type of thinking that involves adapting logical thinking to the practical constraints of real-life situations.
What is Pragmatism?
According to the video shown in class, this rite of passage indicates the crossing of adolescence into adulthood.
What is receiving a tattoo?
This study design sees the follow-up of participants across a period of time.
What is a longitudinal study design?
G. Stanley Hall designated this age to be the end of adolescence.
What is 24 years old?
This type of culture promotes the development of an interdependent self.
What is a collectivist culture?
This concept sees the accessibility to different cultures and experiencing new practices or information.
What is globalization?
This was the most widespread form of labor in the 1800's.
What is child labor?
The 5 Distinctive Features of Emerging Adulthood
What is:
1. Identity Exploration
2. Instability
3. Self-focus
4. Feeling in-between
5. Possibilities/ Optimism
The three goals of socialization
What is:
1. Self-regulation
2. Role preparation
3. Sources of meaning
These are the two types of lonliness.
What are
1. social lonliness
2. emotional lonliness
This concept does not exist in all cultures and is a fairly recently found in "developed cultures".
What is Emerging Adulthood?