NCLEX Style Questions
This or That?

Define: Continuing Education

Programs offered by universities or hospitals that updates you on latest research and practices (also helps you specialize in a particular field)


What are five examples of non-therapeutic communication techniques?

Asking Personal Questions; Giving Opinions; False Reassurance; Changing the Subject; Sympathy; Asking for Explanations; Defensive, Passive, or Aggressive Response; Arguing; Approval or Disapproval


A critical care nurse is using a computerized decision support system to correctly position her ventilated patients to reduce pneumonia caused by accumulated respiratory secretions. This is an example of which QSEN competency?

A. Patient-Centered Care           B. Safety

C. Teamwork and Collaboration  D. Informatics

4. Informatics


Restating another person's message more briefly using your own words is an example of what?

Clarifying or Paraphrasing


Clarifying: restating an unclear or ambigious message to clarify the sender's meaning


Define: Lateral Violence

Workplace bullying; can be a symptom of compassion fatigue

Examples: withholding info, backbiting, making snide comments, nonverbal expressions of disapproval


What are five examples of nonverbal communication?

Appearance; Posture; Gait; Facial Expression; Eye Contact; Gestures; Sounds; Personal Space


A nurse has been gathering physical assessment data on a patient and is now listening to the patient's concerns. The nurse sets a goal of care that incorporates the patient's desire to make treatment decisions. This is an example of which phase of the nurse-patient relationship?

A. Working Phase              B. Pre-interaction Phase

C. Termination Phase         D. Orientation Phase

A. Working Phase: when the nurse and patient work together to solve problems and accomplish goals

Pre-interaction Phase: reviewing available data, talking to other healthcare providers, identifying location and setting, and planning enough time for interaction

Termination: reminding that the ending is near, evaluating goal achievement with the patient, separating from the patient by letting go of responsibility, and giving a smooth transition

Orientation: getting to know the patient, setting the tone, start to make inferences and judgments, and prioritize patient's problems and identify their goals


The promise to do no harm or hurt is:

Beneficence or Nonmaleficence?


Beneficence: taking positive actions to help others (the best interest of the patient remain more important than self-interests)

Define: Accountability
Ability to answer for one's actions

What should you keep in mind when dealing with a patient who is cognitively impaired? (Name three)

1. Use simple sentences and avoid long explanations

2. Ask one question at a time

3. Allow time for patient to respond

4. Be attentive

5. Include family and friends

6. Use pictures or gestures that mimic desired action


Which of these actions describes a violation of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)?

A. Discussing patient conditions in the nursing report room at change of shift

B. Allowing nursing students to review patient charts before caring for a patient to whom their assigned

C. Posting medical information about the patient on a message board in the patient's room

D. Releasing patient information regarding terminal illness to family when the patient has given permission

C. Posting medical information about the patient on a message board in the patient's room


Which term includes the written defamation of character?

Slander or Libel?


Slander: speaking falsely (spoken defamation of character)


Define: Battery

An intentional threat toward another person that places the person in reasonable fear of harmful, imminent, or unwelcome contact

Ex: threatening to give a patient an injection or restrain them for a procedure


Name the components of the SBAR technique 

Situation; Background; Assessment; and Recommendation

Used to relay relevant information in a structured and timely manner


Which of the following reasons are necessary to happen to conduct an autopsy?

A. Foul Play                      B. Homicide

C. Suicide                         D. Car Crash

All of them!


Which person is an expert clinician in a specialized area of practice?

Clinical nurse specialists (CNS) or nurse practitioner


What are advance directives?

A legal document that allows a person to specify what actions should be taken for their health if they are not able to make the decision themselves


Out of the Special Zones of Touch: Social, Consent, Vulnerable, and Intimate. Which of the following includes your face, neck, and front of body?

Vulnerable Zone (Consent and Special Care Needed)


A nurse asks a NAP to: help the patient in room 418 walk to the bathroom right now; the patient needs the assistance of one person and the use of a walker. The patient's O2 can be removed while he goes to the bathroom but to make sure that it's put back on at 2L. The nurse also instructs the NAP to make sure the side rails are up and the bed alarm is reset after the patient gets back in bed. Which of the following components of the "Five Rights of Delegation" were used by the nurse?

A. Right Task

B. Right Circumstance

C. Right Person

D. Right Direction/Communication

E. Right Supervision/Evaluation

Right Task, Circumstance, Person, and Direction/Communication


The requirement that staff must evaluate the patient and may not discharge or transfer them until their patient is stable is which act?

The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act or The Mental Health Parity Act?

The Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act

Mental Health Parity Act: requires insurance companies to offer the same level of coverage for mental health care that they provide for medical and surgical care
