Ethics, family dynamics, healthcare law, and Infection (PreOp/PostOp)
Prenatal Care & Hormone Regulation | Fluid & Electrolytes
Labor and Delivery and Complications
Routine Postpartum and Complications
Routine Newborn Care and Complications

You are doing your shift assessment, you notice evisceration present during your head-to-toe assessment. What is your priority intervention and the priority problem of your client?

What is call the provider, the client needs immediate surgical treatment?


A client had lab work and had elevated MSAFP. What is the primary concern?

What is neural tube defects or open abdominal defect?


What are the severe features of preeclampsia? (Name at least 4)

What is...
Systolic: 160 mmHg or higher

Diastolic 110 mmHg or higer 

thrombocytopenia (<100,000)




pulmonary edema, crackles, or cyanosis

epigastric pain or RUQ pain


You are conducting a PP assessment and note a fundal height of 2-finger breaths over the umbilicus of your client. What is your priority intervention?

What is massage the fundus?


A 10-year-old boy weighs 52.8 lbs. Calculate the 24-hour daily fluid requirements for this client.

24-hour daily fluid requirement: 1580 mL
66 mL/hr


Imagine this: one of your patients was diagnosed with stage IV cancer, and the doctors have concluded that there is nothing they can be done to help them. All the medics can offer at that stage is medication to ease the patient's excruciating pain while they rest at home. However, the patient refuses to be given said medication since it makes them weak and drowsy while they want to be awake to spend their last days with their loved ones. The patient's family members plead for you as a nurse to somehow administer the medication without the patient's knowledge since they can tell the pain is agonizing.

What are the two ethical principles causing the ethical dilemma?

What are autonomy and nonmaleficence?


A client's last menstrual period was March 3, 2022. What is her EDD based on Naegele's rule?

What is December 10, 2022?


A client is experiencing a BP of 171/112 with visual disturbances. What could the client be experiencing?

What is preeclampsia?


You are helping your new PP client to the restroom. You notice her pad has a fleshy odor with clots. How would you characterize her lochia and how long does it last?

What is lochia rubra, 1-3 days after delivery?


You are assessing a newborn, the newborn has pallor and is experiencing respiratory distress. X-ray was done, but the baby has frothy salvia, coughing, and irregular breath sounds. What could the newborn have?

What is a tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF)?


You are working at a clinic and are assessing 16-year-old pregnant girl who has burns and appears withdrawn, and anxious. While you are asking her questions about her injuries she avoids eye contact and stays quiet. What is your priority action?

What is notifying your supervisor of the possible suspicion of abuse?

A client claims she feels the baby is moving, what sign of pregnancy is she experiencing?

What is a presumptive sign of pregnancy?


A client had a c-section and a QBL of 1,385mL. What is your priority interventions?

What is massage the fundus, skin to skin contact, breastfeeding, monitoring V/S, and labs?


Your client expresses sadness after delivering her baby. What screening tool would you use to evaluate her mental status?

What is Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale?


You are changing the brief of your newborn client. You notice ribbon-like stools. What is your priority intervention?

What is notifying the provider?


Your client is scheduled for surgery at 7 am. What are findings you would notify to the provider?
- BG of 70
- WBC: 9,000

- BP: 119/79
- LMP: 2/2/24
- Potassium:  4.8
- Hgb: 11. 8

What is LMP 2/2/24?


A client is conducting the GTT her results are Fasting: 95 mg/dL, 1 hour: 181 mg/dL, 2 hours: 155 mg/dL, and 3 hours: 145 mg/dL. How many elevations is the client experiencing?

What is 2 elevations, the client is positive of DM?


A client comes into the ED complaining of pain radiating to her lower back. You note a foul odor. What is the expected medication you believe the doctor will prescribe?

What is ampicillin?


What is your priority intervention?

What placental resuscitation? (administer O2, stop pitocin, place mother in the left lateral position, administer IV fluids)


You are assessing a client who is ventilated or intubated and has saturated sterile gauze covering the intestines. What is the complication the baby be having?

What is gastroschisis?

A client is in the PACU after a c-section. What are your priority nursing interventions?

What is encouraging is the use of I.S., splinting wound, early ambulation, fall risk precautions, monitoring for bladder retention, and post partum assessment?


What does the BPP evaluate? (HINT: 5 things)

What are FHR, fetal breathing movements, gross body movements, fetal tone, and qualitative amniotic fluid volume?

You are getting a shift report on a client of yours. The nurse states she is talking and walking, her contractions are 6 minutes apart. What stage of labor is she in?
What is latent/early phase?
Your client comes in during her 39-week check-up appointment and is complaining of contractions. She states walking has been very uncomfortable what is the client experiencing?

What is true labor?


A baby is experiencing telescoping. How would the baby's bowel movement appear?

What is bloody, jelly/jam BM?