Faith and Revelation
Faith and Reason

This saint refused to agree to King Henry VIII's marriage and was subsequently imprisoned and killed, becoming a martyr of truth.

Who is St. Thomas More


Plato's Allegory of the Cave is featured in the context of this dialogue

What is the Republic


Faith is a theological virtue. As a virtue, it is a good habit/disposition directing human beings to this.

What is truth


According to the Catholic tradition, faith is not contrary to reason but does this.

What is goes beyond reason


The roots of theology were found in the philosophy of this place.

What is Ancient Greece


This is the object of study in theology.

What is God and all things in relation to God


This states that two contradictory propositions cannot both be true in the same sense at the same time.

What is the Principle of Non-Contradiction


These are the three elements that are closely linked and are necessary for the handing on of divine revelation.

What are

1. Scripture

2. Tradition

3. Magisterium


Nominalism contributed to the shifting worldview from realism to relativism. One key figure in this shift was this man.

Who is William of Ockham


Peter Kreeft spoke of the goal of education as seeking truth for this.

What is its own sake (to make us better people)

Complete Thomas More University's mission statement:

Thomas More University is the Catholic Liberal Arts University of the Diocese of Covington, Kentucky. Inspired by the Catholic Intellectual Tradition, we challenge students of all faiths to examine...

What is "the ultimate meaning of life, their place in the world, and their responsibility to others."


This worldview claims that all moral and religious truth is subjective, rejects absolutes, and no one view is more or less true than another

What is relativism


This is the Latin name of the Second Vatican Council's Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation.

What is Dei Verbum


John Paul II's encyclical Fides et Ratio was released on September 14, 1998. The significance of that date is that it is this Catholic feast day.

What is the Exaltation of the Cross


In class, we noted that relativism is contrary to these two things.

What are logic and experience


Burton proposes that you ought to study theology even if you don't believe in God. One of the reasons is that theology synthesizes knowledge from all disciplines. For this reason, theology has been called this.

What is Queen of the Sciences


It someone is a realist and claims that objective truth exists, 2 things that this does not mean are

What is

1. Rejecting cultural relativism

2. All moral situations are clear without context

3. Everyone agrees about what is true

4. Disagreement is the same as disrespect


Faith is a kind of certain knowledge in the mode of this.

What is mystery


In Fides et Ratio, John Paul II's starting point for talking about truth itself and its relation to faith is this claim about human beings.

What is human beings desire to know the truth


This is the definition of truth given in class.

What is the adherence of the mind to reality.


After volunteering to take the place of a man with a family, Maximillian Kolbe was selected to be starved to death in an underground bunker. He survived for two weeks and his actual cause of death was this.

What is lethal injection


C.S. Lewis makes two main points in the video on "Common Decency." The first is that human beings all over the world have the idea that behavior ought to occur in certain ways. The second point is this.

What is no is really keeping that standard of behavior


According to Dei Verbum, this is the central truth Jesus, as the ultimate revelation of God, has revealed.

What is, "that God is with us to free us from the darkness of sin and death, and to raise us up to life eternal."


1 Corinthians 1:17-28 is a passage utilized in Fides et Ratio. These are the two things contrasted in this passsage.

What are

1. The foolishness of God

2. The wisdom of the world


God reveals himself to humanity for this reason.

What is God is good/loving/free gift, for humans to have a relationship with God/to share in the divine life
