lecture 2
lecture 3
lecture 4
lecture 5
lecture 6
these are inborn biological givens also known as the heredity information we receive from our parents at the moment of contraception
What is nature
theory, hypothesis, research observation, analysis, and conclusions are all components of what
What is the scientific method
these are rodlike structures which store and transmit genetic information and contain DNA
What are chromosomes
(True or False) SES is a measurement of parent educational attainment; years of education, social status; prestige of job and skill of job
What is True
True or False Conception and Implantation has 4 substages
What is false ( bonus points: list all the substages)
this is known as the qualitative changes in thinking, feeling, and behaving that characterize specific periods of development
What is stage theory
this is the extensive examination of one subject using interviews, observation or whatever else and which yields rich detailed research narratives into factors affecting development
What is a case study
eye color, hair color, height, and the size of your nose are all examples of what
What is phenotype characteristics
All SES groups have negative dynamics. list some example of this.
In affluent SES families there is often a lack of parental involvement, emotionally and physically unavailable, excessive demands for achievement. In low SES families- more physical and coercive punishment, commanding and critical parenting style, do not promote autonomy, lack of academic and developmental goals for children.
True or False the first trimester includes all three periods or prenatal development
What is true
he emphasized that how parents manage their child's sexual aggressive drives in the first few years is crucial for healthy development
What is Sigmund Freud
when an increase in temperature during the summer months is said to be correlated with an increase in ice-cream sales what type of correlation would it be.
What is a positive correlation
this each person's unique genetic response the environment
What is reaction range
this type of culture emphasizes thinking of yourself as a contributing member of society
What is collectivist culture
tobacco, alcohol, radiations, drugs are all examples of what
What are teratogens
this perspective is based on the thinking that children who are high or low in characteristics will remain so at later ages
What is stability
this type of research design is composed of an independent and dependent variable, assigning people to treatment conditions and permits inferences of cause and effect
What is an experimental design ( for bonus points: list all the different types of experimental design)
this disease is a result of the 21st pair of chromosomes not separating during meiosis and results in mental retardation, memory problems and speech problem
What is Down Syndrome
some benefits of this type of family household include extra emotional support, the sharing of resources, and helps reduce the stress of poverty
What is extended family households
the is the most preventable disease that occurs during prenatal development and causes mental retardation, slow physical growth, facial abnormalities, and brain injury
What is fetal alcohol syndrome
this developmental theory states that the human mind is viewed a manipulating system through which information flows. the information is actively coded, transformed and organized from the time it's presented to the senses as inputs and emerges as a behavioral response
What is information process theory
In a research experiment this is considered to be high when a lot of people drop out.
What is attrition
this is development resulting from ongoing, bidirectional changes between heredity and all levels of the environment
What is Epigenetics
Microsystems,exosysytems and macrosystems are all part of what?
What is ecological systems theory ( bonus point: give an example of each)
exercising, eating healthy, having prenatal care and taking vitamins are ways to what
What is promote healthy prenatal development