Sensation and Perception

You are easily awakened and are more likely to have sensations of falling in the _____ stage of sleep.

Stage 1


what is mental age?

Assessment of test scores compared to those of same aged peers


Which of the following is NOT true of anterograde amnesia?

It normally impacts procedural long-term memories


Researchers condition a worm to contract (hide, protect itself) when exposed to light by repeatedly pairing the light with an electric shock. The electric shock is a(n):

Unconditioned stimulus


In audition, detecting the __________ of the sound wavelength results in the perception of loudness. Detecting the __________ of the wavelength results in the perception of the pitch.

Amplitude; frequency


Stacy has been struggling to fall asleep lately. No matter how early she goes to bed, she cannot fall asleep for hours. Once she does fall asleep, she is only able to get a few hours of sleep before she must start her day. Based on Stacy’s symptoms, she most likely has



The intelligence that is related to better regulation of emotions, coping with chronic pain, and recognizing emotions in interactions with others is

Emotional Intelligence


You are reading a book, and your friend John asks you a question. By the time you ask, “What did you say?” you hear his question. This effect is due to storage of information in the ________ memory.



In a well-known experiment, preschool children pounded and kicked a large inflated Bobo doll just after watching an adult beating the Bobo doll. This experiment illustrated the importance of:



The inability to recognize faces is called:



Ryan smoked cannabis (i.e., marijuana) for the first-time last month. Since then, he has smoked every other day and found that he needs increase the amount he smokes to feel as high as he did before. This is an example of

Drug Tolerance


Language is defined as:

A system of communication using sounds and symbols according to grammatical rules


You accidentally call your current partner by your ex’s name. What type of memory issue did you exhibit?

Proactive interference


When describing something as a positive punishment, “positive” means _______ while “punishment” means ______.


to decrease a behavior


“Umami” describes

A brothy, savory flavor and One of the “Basic Tastes”


According to ______________ we must sleep in order to physically replenish chemicals and repair cellular damage within the body

Restorative theory


Illustrates the difference between the exemplar and prototype theories of categorization?

A child learning the concept of "dog" by recalling specific dogs they have encountered = EXEMPLAR


forming an average category of what a dog is = PROTOTYPE


You remember the capital of a country you’ve never been to. What type of memory is this?



               refers to when we learn that a stimulus predicts another stimulus, whereas ____  refers to when we learn that a behavior leads to a certain outcome.

Classical conditioning; operant conditioning


Ann went to the pool for swimming practice. She jumped into the pool and found that the water was cold. However, after spending time in the cold water, she no longer felt the cold temperature. This best represents

Sensory Adaptation


There are many ways of altering consciousness, including the use of drugs for recreational purposes.  The category of drugs that decrease the functioning of the nervous system and interfere with motor control, motor coordination, reaction time, and slurred speech are _______________

What is Depressants


IQ tests have often displayed _________ bias, which can lead to inaccurate scores of individuals who are not members of the targeted population (e.g., many American assessments have shown preference for white, middle-class individuals).



Yesterday you taught your dog to crawl across the floor while barking. If your dog is to perform this fabulous trick tomorrow, then he will need to ________ the trick, then ________ the trick, then ________ the trick

Encode, Store, Retrieve


List the four schedules of reinforcement and provide a real-life example for each.

  • Fixed-Ratio (FR) – Reinforcement is given after a set number of responses.

    • Example: A factory worker earns a bonus for every 10 items they assemble.
  • Variable-Ratio (VR) – Reinforcement is given after an unpredictable number of responses.

    • Example: A gambler wins a jackpot after a random number of slot machine pulls.
  • Fixed-Interval (FI) – Reinforcement is given after a fixed amount of time, regardless of responses.

    • Example: A student receives a grade on their homework every Friday.
  • Variable-Interval (VI) – Reinforcement is given at unpredictable time intervals.

    • Example: A person gets a surprise email from a friend at random times.

Please describe the difference between sensation and perception. Give an example of each?

  • Sensation:

    • The process of detecting raw sensory information from the environment.
    • Involves sensory organs (eyes, ears, skin, nose, tongue).
    • A passive process—just receiving stimuli, no interpretation.
    • Example: Feeling the cold air on your skin when you step outside.
  • Perception:

    • The process of organizing and interpreting sensory information.
    • Involves the brain and cognitive processes.
    • An active process—assigning meaning based on experience and expectations.
    • Example: Recognizing that it is winter and deciding to wear a coat because of the cold sensation.