blood pH that moves H+ out of cell and K+ into cell
What is alkalosis? >7.45
adult requirement for 24 hr fluid balance (mL)
What is a 2500 mL intake and output?
ascites, edema, renal disorders, and adrenal insufficiency
What is relative fluid volume deficit?
treatment for normal Na and FVE
What are diuretics?
two electrolyte imbalances that would require an increase in dairy to correct
What are hypocalcemia and hypophosphatemia?
electrolyte critical to Na+K+ pump
What is magnesium?
anorexia, weakness, decreased DTR, and shallow respirations
What is hyponatremia?
essential for Calcium absorption :p
What is Vitamin D?
tx for hyponatremia and FVD
What are isotonic or hypertonic fluids?
blood clotting, bone strength, capillary permeability, cardiac, and skeletal muscle contraction
What are functions of calcium?
raises Ca levels by releasing calcium from your bones
increases the amount of calcium absorbed from your small intestine
What is parathyroid hormone?
thirst, flushed skin, weight gain, edema, hypertension
What is FVE?
condition where too much ADH is released
What is SIADH?
act on ascending loop of Henle
waste Na, K, Mg, Ca
What are loop diuretics?
treatment for hypernatremia and FVD
What is hypotonic IV fluid?
cardiac regulation mechanisms that promote Na+ excretion, diuresis, and vasodilation
What is ANP and BNP?
hyperglycemia and presence of U wave
What is hypokalemia?
combo of 2 meds that forces K+ to move from ECC to ICC
What is insulin + glucose?
act on distal convoluted tubule
excrete Na, K, Mg, Ca
reabsorbs Ca
What are thiazide diuretics?
losses such as vomiting, diarrhea, fistulas, hemorrhage
What is an actual fluid volume deficit?
signals kidneys to reabsorb Na and H2O, excreting K
What is aldosterone?
2 electrolyte imbalances that need to be monitored for digoxin toxicity
What is hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia?
syndrome suspected if pt has K+ level of 6.2 mEq/dL
What is tumor lysis syndrome?
increase Na absorption in proximal tubule & loop of Henle
decrease ICP and IOP
What are osmotic diuretics?
3 assessments the nurse should complete when administering hypertonic fluid to pt
What are lung sounds, blood pressure, and sodium level?